C2C 2025 - Terms and Regulations
Announcement: The Touring Assembly known as the Club Triumph Coast 2 Coast Run 2025, organised by Club Triumph, will take place over the weekend of 21st to 22nd June 2025, starting at 19:00hrs on Saturday 21st and finishing approximately 13 hours later. The event will start at The Lakeland Motor Museum Limited, Old Blue Mill, Backbarrow, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12 8TA and finish at The Martello Coffee House, Sparrow’s Nest Gardens, Whapload Road, Lowestoft NR32 1XG.
Jurisdiction: The event will be held under the General Regulations of Motorsport UK (MsUK) as a Touring Assembly, these written Supplementary Regulations (as prescribed by MsUK), any relevant and current COVID-19 regulations (as prescribed by UK Gov/MsUK) and any written or verbal Final Instructions that Club Triumph may issue for the event. A MsUK Touring Assembly Permit shall be obtained and will be available for inspection. Entrants do not need an MsUK RS Clubman or any other competition licence. Any applicable MsUK and national Covid-19 requirements will be followed.
Eligibility: The event is open to crews of two or more, with a minimum of two persons legally entitled to drive the vehicle. The maximum crew number shall not exceed the number of seats the car is insured for. The main entrant must be a Club Triumph member at both time of entry and the event, but crew members need not be Club Triumph members.
Vehicles: The event is open to any model of Standard or Triumph motor vehicle or special based upon a Standard or Triumph motor vehicle. The vehicle need not be owned by the main entrant.
Event Officials:
- Main Event Organiser: Chris Shaw
- Clerk of the Course and Course Car: Howard Brissenden
- Starting Marshall: Darren Sharp
Entries and Entry List: The Entry Fee is £45.00 per vehicle. The entry list will open on the 4th February 2025 at 19:00 via the Club Triumph website. The entry list will close on Friday 7th June 2025. A full refund (less an admin fee) for the withdrawal of entry will be made if received prior to or on 21st May 2025. After that date, any refunds will be at Club Triumph’s discretion but cannot be guaranteed. The Club reserves the right to cancel the event should 10 or fewer crews enter. In such case, all entry monies will be returned to each lead entrant. Maximum entry will be 40 vehicles. A reserve list will be operated should this number be exceeded. The Entry List will be published on the Club Triumph website.
Entry: Entry and management of entry will be entirely through Club Triumph’s website.
It is a requirement that entrants keep their respective personal, contact, crew and car information up to date.
Failure to do so may result in an entrant missing late changes to the event due to the organisers not being able to communicate with them.
Final Instructions: These will be distributed by email approximately one week before the event.
Drivers Briefing: A briefing will be held or issued, by electronic means, as appropriate before the start of the event.
Documentation: Signing in will take place between 18:00 to 18:30 on Saturday 21st June at the start and may be by electronic means if required by MsUK at that time. The event will start at 19:00. Any further Supplementary Instructions will be issued if necessary. Crews arriving after this time may be refused entry into the event.
An MsUK Declaration and Indemnity shall be signed stating that all drivers hold a valid driving licence for the car that has been entered and are fit to drive, that the car and crew are insured for road use, and that the car is taxed as required, with a valid MoT certificate, or if MoT exempt is fully fit for use and roadworthy, as required by the Road Traffic Act.
- It is recommended that vehicles carry a least 1 warning triangle (2 can often be much safer), a tow rope or bar, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a high visibility jacket for each crew member and at least 1 mobile phone.
- Please note that any car arriving at the start with racing numbers attached will be asked to remove them. Official Scrutineering will not take place.
Objective: The objective is to drive from Backbarrow, nr Ulverston, to Lowestoft via the mandatory halfway halt by means of a suggested (although not mandatory) route. Do remember that the event is not a race, it is not timed and has no competitive aspect. No prizes will be awarded other than event souvenirs to those crews who successfully complete the run. Do not drive if tired, all crew members may drive the car, if legally entitled to do so.
Costs: All expenses such as car preparation, repair, recovery, fuel, road tolls, and personal food and drink not covered by the entry fees, shall be met by the crews.
Route, Navigation and Driving Behaviour: The suggested route will be about 470 miles on public roads. It will be on sealed surfaces. The routes provided are suggested only and are not mandatory. Participants must at all times comply with the Road Traffic Act and with UK traffic and general laws. Routes may pass through towns and villages during the early hours when residents are asleep and want quiet. Our cars can be quite noisy so should be driven in a responsible and considerate manner at all times, minimising noise and light usage, especially when driving through residential areas. Failure to do so may result in exclusion from this and future events. Driving Standards may be observed by Club and/or MsUK officials at any point of the route. Any specific requirements such as mandatory ‘Quiet Zones’ will be notified in the Final Instructions.
Start: The cars will leave the start as and when instructed to do so by the organisers.
Controls: A midway stop is arranged for all crews to sign in at the control and to take a mandatory rest at Moto Doncaster North Services, Hatfield, Doncaster DN8 5GS. This is at the junction of the M18 and M180.
Finish: All crew members must sign in at the finish. Should you have to withdraw during the event please contact the organisers using WhatsApp, or as stated in the Final Instructions.
Navigational Equipment: In addition to the recommended safety equipment listed previously the following equipment will be necessary for navigation:
- An updated Sat Nav system (Garmin or TomTom) or a mobile phone with the TomTom Go app installed.
- The Suggested Route files, which will be issued by the Organisers, in the form of .gpx files for loading onto your navigation system. (It is possible to view the .gpx files on a computer and transfer them to a map book if required – further details available on request)
- Printed copy of the sign in pages from the Road Book and paper / electronic copy of the remainder of the book.
- A current UK map book for use in emergencies, map light/magnifier or ‘Potti’
It is advised to have both electronic and paper maps available within the vehicle.
Please note that in the interests of safety and compliance with the law, electronic navigation devices shall not be driver operated unless the vehicle is stationary with the engine switched off. Such devices should be safely and securely mounted in a position not obscuring the driver’s vision.
Communications: In addition to the recommended navigational equipment listed previously the following equipment will be necessary for communication:
- A Smartphone with WhatsApp installed and operating will be necessary for communication during the event. At least one member of the crew needs to know how to communicate using WhatsApp.
Prior to the event the organisers will communicate with the entrant by email and generally through the Club Triumph Forum.
To facilitate the safe running of the event and to warn of problems or dangers, a WhatsApp group will be created for organisers and entrants use immediately before, during and immediately after the event.
Meals: An evening meal can be purchased by entrants at The Café Ambio, within the grounds of the Lakeland Motor Museum from 17:00 on Saturday 21st. Breakfast can be purchased at The Martello Coffee House, Lowestoft from 08:00 on Sunday 22nd. Neither meal is included in the entry and is to be paid directly to the restaurants by the entrants. Please indicate any special dietary requirements to the restaurant when ordering your meals.
The entrants must provide any other food and drink consumed before, during and after the event themselves.
Data Protection: Entrants are advised that information supplied on the entry form will be held on computer and will only be used for administration of the event. Entrants’ and crews’ names and car details only will be posted on Club Triumph's website.
Since entrant and crew members mobile phone numbers will be visible to all other members of the C2C 2025 WhatsApp group it is incumbent on all entrants and crew members to confirm that they have no objection to this. Individuals can withdraw from the WhatsApp group at any time; if they do not wish to be invited to join the WhatsApp group they should inform the organisers at the time of entry.
Carbon Balancing: Club Triumph members who wish to carbon balance their whole year’s emissions can obtain an annual subscription for the FBHVC Scheme from
COVID-19: The event will follow the latest UK Government and MsUK COVID-19 guidance.