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Gary T

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Sorry if this has been covered before chaps. I need some exchange calipers type 16P, best place to find some good ones at a decent price. There must be some good ones out there. ( i would like to be able to order them and fit them as time is short)



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just been looking into this myself - most of the usual Triumph Specialists will do a 16P recon exchange for around £45 or a remanuufacturered new outright for around £70 (ie no exchange reqd).  Other non Triumph related companies such as Big Redd do exhange recon with a variety of different finishes for comparable prices.  Not decided which way to go  myself yet!

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Thanks Guys,

I seem to have arrived at the same place. either triumph specialist or Bigg Red. I like the look of the finish so went with bigg red. Called this morning they said they were in stock and could be sent out today. After my recent issues with parts from the usuall suspects, this all sounds a bit to easy.
But with my glass over half full i will carry on and let you know the outcome, they did sound very good.

Thanks for the replys,


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hehe you beat me to it!  I rang today and they said they had just sold their only pair on the shelf.  Out of interest what finish were they.  

I've just boxed mine up for collection tomo, going for the black polymer finish!

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Sorry if i beat you to it, the guy said i could have any ant finish i wanted as long as it was red. suits me fine they do look very posh. its the bits i could not afford when i was younger. so i shall have them now and enjoy whilst i still can.



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