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Crank scroll seal

Steve Cureton

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I've just stripped my Herald engine and found it has the scroll type rear crank seal (not sure if it's original but it's a '65 1200). I know these do work but it's hard to believe it when looking at it! My question is, is there anything different I need to do when refitting the cover to ensure an oil-tight seal or is it just a matter of making sure it's centralised before tightening the cover?


Hi Steve  you are right just get it centralised when you nip it up,  maybe some feeler strip
tucked in to keep it central.  
they work fine unless you park on porlock hill  and cant wear out    Pete  


In that case i'll just have to make good use of my drip tray :-)

Seriously, I have got a flat section of driveway I can park on, I just need to avoid the steeper section. It will also be in the garage most of the time, it's only when I need to use the garage for reparing other cars that I will have a problem - good excuse to tell my daughter to get the local garage to fix her Corsa  ;)


remnds me of the production line for Commer /Dodge PB vans there  was a steep incline to drop down to floor level and the Rootes 1725 timing cover scroll would empty out on the floor
if left on that drop overnight Pete  


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