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2000 mk1 engine trouble


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hi a friend of mine has a 2000 mk1 that now runs pretty bad it sound like it only running on 3-4 cyl.
it was rebuild 1 year ago and ran fine, but then it went downhill, everything was cheked, head came off again, new valves was poor quality, and was changed back to original ones. head is now 100 % OK
timing is right, cam timing is right, plugs etc is fine, carbs have been changed for another pair - made no change. what are we missing ?

any ideas is welcome !

Christian Jensen
1300fwd + mayflower


Have you done a compression test?

I am thinking either;  head gasket problem (blowing between the paired cylinders is quite common on Mk1 engine) or; problems with cam or followers resulting in very little valve lift on some cylinders (there are some very rubbish cam followers for sale these days!)

Also distributor cap/rotor arm should be checked and changed (even if new!) if you haven't already tried this.

Good luck!



thanks for your answer and things to test:

but :

the compression have been double checked, all fine

head gasket have also been renewed after the valve job

rotor etc. is perfect it draws massive sparks

cam and followers is original stuff, and in good shape, lift have been checked, all fine

- keep em comming !


thanks for your answer and things to test:

but :

the compression have been double checked, all fine

head gasket have also been renewed after the valve job

rotor etc. is perfect it draws massive sparks

cam and followers is original stuff, and in good shape, lift have been checked, all fine

- keep em comming !


What about a blocked rocker breather?
I know when someone tried to remove the emission thing on my car it went to running on 3/4 cylinders could this be blocked?......didnt it Alan :P


Have you got fuel in both carb dashpots? (on the side on SUs and underneath on Strombergs?) What colour are the plugs? could give a clue if front 3 are differant to the rear 3. Fuel pump not man enough if 2nd carb has no fuel to it or a blockage? ;)


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