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Quality Oil Filters !!!!


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Hi all, there has been a few questions on this subject so thought I'd give my experience on this. After finding most oil filters ok but not really to the standard required. I set about finding a oil filter of better quality. On my motorbike I've always used K&N filter because they are very well made and conform to higher than factory standards for flow and filtering. So do they make K&N oil filters for the spitfire???? YES is the answer so I ordered one aswell as a gallon of Valvoline VR1 20w50.

So they both arrived and the quality was very good. So I drained my oil and removed the filter............ HO CRAP IT DOESN'T FIT!!!! The threaded part was just way too big. So I contacted the supplier and he had not had any returned before etc..... So I then searched the internet and nothing. I then checked the Official K&N website and there it was in bold writing... 3/4 adapter must be used with this filter!!! It turns out that leyland actually produced an adapter which has the triumph 5/8 on one end and 3/4 on the other. So I called Chic Doig's and out of his box of bits came the required adapter.

So it all fitted together and here it is fitted.

From the pictures above you can see the filter is larger and holds more oil than the standard one. It also has a thick rubber anti drain flap and is suppose to have a higher flow rate as well as a higher filter rate. One thing I do know is that I fitted and ran the car up this afternoon and upon starting the car tonight the oil pressure light went out instantly. Where before there was one second before the light extinguished. So I'm very happy with the new filter however all I need to do now is find a cheaper source as it's £9 a filter delivered.

Drive safe,

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Hi Chris,

NickB and I bought a couple of those filters a month ago, discovered as you, they have the wrong thread size.

Ended up buying an adaptor at Spitbits in the US, couldn't find one on-line in UK (not to speak Denmark)...  :o
Only problem was: Spitbits did figure out how to make money in a recession: Sell adaptor at 4.31 dollars, tell you they will add shipping later.

Then two days later Nick received an email "your adaptor has been shipped. Shipping cost is 35 dollars" >:(
(for 3 adaptors...)

Haven't got around fitting one of the new filters though!

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JensH wrote:

Then two days later Nick received an email "your adaptor has been shipped. Shipping cost is 35 dollars" >:(

Seriously, shipping costs from merchants in the United States has gone insane.
I bought a shifter rebuild kit from a UK merchant, & the shipping cost for the little box was about $10 less than US vendors were specifying.

I think the issue is that US merchants now will only ship via UPS and FedEx because of their own convenience, and lower rates that are available via US postal service aren't offered.  It really boils down to laziness.  God knows UPS and FedEx are more convenient to businesses than to people who receive the parcel at a residential address.  You can have a stroke trying to play "catch the delivery before they send it back in 3 days".

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