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GT6 Bodywork questions!


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Hi Guys,
Many ythanks for your help ind ideas with rergards my GT6 a few weeks ago.  I have now collected the car and been climbing over, under in in it for the last three days.

As it turns out the chassis is not as bad as it seemed in the pictures.  On the down side, the body work is a lot worse than it looked in the ebay photos.

It looks like the minimum i need to be  doing is the floorpans, sills, wings, inner arches and some if not all of the boot floor.

My question to you guys is this.  Should I replace the floorpans and sills with the body still on the chassis to try and regain sone of the tubs ridgidity before I remove it, or brace and remove anyway?

One other thing that is quite annoying is that,  sosmeone in there infinite wisdom has removed the front top windscreen surround seem and smothed it over,  I have yet to investigat in detail.  But i would like to try and regain some of the cars originality.  I have a front roof repair section in rimmers but as yet have not seen the actual winscreen frame pannel.  Without this I think I will be on an uphill battle.  

Can anyone offer some advice or soluitions, I would be very gratefull for your help..  

Ps I saw the windsreen surround in the earlier thread,  Nice job!  But mine is a Mk 3 and I belive that was an earlier model..

PPS  on the plus side I got the car home and had i running in a hour after not turning over in over four years!  that made me smile!  

Best regards


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