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gt6 mk3 inner door handle operation


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the black button next to the door handle,what should it do..LOL silly question I know but I have no handbook :-/when the door is closed should you move it 1 way to lock door and the other way to unlock the lock or does it work another way?when I took the handle out the spring for the lock button ? was floating around on the rod where the green arrow is in the picture.their is a stop on the rod to hold said spring I removed the pin on the threaded end and  removed the spring and fitted it as in the picture where the red arrow is ..is this correct or is something missing..this now puts the little black switch under spung tension holding it one way is this correct and if so what the switch do as now it pulls locking lever on catch to locked position so when you shut door it locks on its own and you pull little black lever then inner door handle to get out ...confussed I am ??)

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I'm not very familiar with its innards, but:
When you turn the black lever outwards (pointing into the cabin), the door is locked.
If you pull on the interior handle to open the door when it's locked, the black lever rotates back flush & the door unlocks.

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there is a plate which is missing , shown on parts list as a complete assy so no part number.
  it links the two rods and forms a stop to load the spring , put the spring with red arrow where the green arrow is and make a short link plate with  rod hole one end slot at other it then abutes against the white plastic block and loads the long rod spring against the stop flare on the rod.  
try to refit the rods thro the case apreture  to connect the lock levers .. then it all flies apart with your hands stuck in the door.


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yes the plate is missing took other side to bits and made a plate out of a old hanger bracket as in picture 8).so the button works as when door is shut it will lock the door one way and unlock the other way and if its in the locked position and you pull the handle open it moves the black button to the unlock postion and opens door at same time...cheers guys

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