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Door - Sill Alignment


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I've replaced the drivers side floor pan, sills, and rebuilt the lower A and B posts.  I've also replaced the rotten metal at the bottom on the door, and re skinned it.  I've taken a great deal of time (I thought) to keep things aligned but now I'm not so sure.  

The gap inside the car between the door and the seam the door rubber pushes onto was correct and even.  Now it's much greater on the bottom left hand side, furthest away from the hinges.  This suggests that the door is twisted.  However, running lines along the seams suggests that the sills are not correct, as shown i the photos below.

The question is, should the sill/ rear wing "kink" as per the photo, or should it be straight and inline, in which case, what have I done wrong?

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Either the A'post has bent out or the B'post has bent in.

I would suspect the A'post, but without taking the outer sill off it would be hard to rectify.

Sledge Hammer against a block of wood at the base of the B'Post where it meets the sill?

Or if you want to get posh a 4 ton Portapack kit.

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the_nutter wrote:
Outer sill hasn't yet been attached, just clamped.

Try pulling the A'post (just above the upper sill join) into the middle of the car. A friend did it to his MkIV with a sledge hammer and a bloke of wood whilst I sighted down the door line watching it being pulled in.

Hope that helps  :-/

Have you got the H post gearbox surround fitted  to support the bulkhead? As the bulkhead sags, the A'Post tends to lean out on the curved panel where is joins the floor.

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