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when one door opens, another door closes...


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ah! blessed heralds!  well, she is running well now, sure enough a little bit of cleaning (althoough cleaning is not my forte) and and timing adjustment and it has made a world of difference

However, now i have no headlamps, sidelamps or rear lights.  And like an idiot I have left my owners manual and handbook in the house (usually ALWAYS in the car!) so I dont know what fuse to get!  aaargh!  

do all 1360s have the same ? is that a stupid question?  its just that I am sneakily coming on the forum after a scary drive to work today and I wanted to pick one up from halfords at lunchtime so I could change it before a scarier drive home.......i rang them and they asked me what amp i needed and i felt completely thick as i didnt know......am panicking a little bit  :B

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