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Herald / Vitesse locking outer door handles


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I've lost the push-button and lock out of mine!!
For some reason it came out of a Herald sitting static in my garage, just fell out of a perfectly good handle and was found lying on the floor - so I picked it up and set it... somewhere....
I have other driver's door handles but no keys for any of them.
What are my options on lock replacement / key replacement? I've never seen barrels for sale separately as in the ignition lock, and my Gt6 has the lock separate from the handle so no help there.
I may (possibly) be able to get a key code off one of them, so who has replacement keys or cuts from blanks?

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Steve_Curton wrote:
Seen this? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/TRIUMPH-HERALD-DRIVERS-SIDE-DOOR-HANDLE-AND-KEY_W0QQitemZ140353474749QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item20adb810bd

I hadn't, but I'm watching it now... thanks Steve!

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