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Herald Door Skinning


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I am re-skinning my Herald o/S Door, I have removed old skin whilst leaving all the internals untouched in door frame (quarter light,side door glass etc) I am also wishing to replace the outer waist seal which fit against outside of door glass, my question is - do you fit the waist seal onto new skin before fitting skin onto door frame or do you remove quarter light & door glass from frame then fit skin to door frame & then waistseal followed finally  by Qtr Light & Door Glass, just want to fit things in most effective way. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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I would take all the internals out, check, clean (sorry CT people) ensure all the moving parts are greased, de rust the inside of the door and paint it - brush paint will do. - I'd brush paint with a light colour so you can see inside better.  What better chance to get that door protected?
Make sure drain holes arent bunged up with paint when youve finished though at the base of the door

Once the skin is back on surely the whole door will get sprayed on the outside.
And if you are drilling the small holes for the exterior trim - use masking tape to stop the dril spinning all over your newly painted door!

All internals are easy to fit back together inside, but can be a bit a fiddly. Glass goes in last but without the quarterlight secured so it can fit in the channel easier.  Seals last - definately need the clip/seal tool to do this

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The tool is easily made from a 1" wide strip of metal, old door skin would be fine! Create a hook in one end to cradle the clip (I bent mine over a bit of metal a few mm thick) and I hold the clips in place with a bit of grease/blutack whatever so they don't fall out. Bill at rarebite (and no doubt others) also sell the proper tool. Probably better than my home made jobbie.

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Many thanks for the replies, this what is thought was best way forward, I have removed Door Glass & have finally managed to release the last bolt holding the quarter light, you know the one - behibd rubber bung just needed a little heat and it released, another query apart from door glass there are plastic sheets covering the door lock & quarter light areas, I have removed these and was wondering if they are worth putting back, any thoughts.


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Thanks clive, I am replacing my plastic sheeting & have original samples to copy from however for the plastic that sits behind the quarterlight I need the clips that hold the top of the plastic to the top edge of the door, I would describe them as an S shape clip, would anyone know where I could obtain a qty of probably 6 or 8 (3/4 for each door).

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