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Changing Doors


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I need to change the doors on my CD. I have excellent spare doors from a HLS for this purpose and would'nt need to change the windows or the rear door window channels as these are all good on the replacement doors . I have had a look in Haynes and as far as I can see, to convert the manual windows on the HLS doors to electric I just need to change the electic regulator from the old CD doors and fit on the replacement HLS ones and then just plug in? Am I right? Before I get into a mess has any one here done this or have any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

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Hi Eamon

yes the doors are a direct replacement for each other, but a few tips will help

firstly remove the door trim and card, wind the window down half way; or untill the bolts are accessable so that they may be loosend, and the glass detatched from the mechanism, later on.

next unplug the wires from the motor, and withdraw the cable from the door leving it dangling from the car. Unpluging it from the loom will require the removal of lots of trim.

remove the door

lay door flat

detatch the glass from the mech, and slide it all the way back up into the closed position.

undo the bolts and remove the regulator and motor assy.

if no go then detatch the motor from the mech by undoing the 3x10mm bolts

for the man winder even easier

detatch the glass from the mech, and slide it up out of the way

undo the six or so bolts and withdraw the mech, now fit the electric mech and motor, and it is now at this point you will realise why the thing is on the bench and not still on the car.
atatch the glass to the mech BEFORE you bolt the motor all up

stuff the door back on the car and feed your wires back in through the hole and wire up the motor, and test it now before you build up the door trim.

good luck


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