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How can changing a rear lense cause so much hassle??

The top right flat edge of the lense has been broken off since I've had the car so I thought I'd swap it yesterday. No such luck....... The bottom edge of the reflector is in the way by about 3mm and no way will it slide under at an angle. I guess the last person to change a bulb had the same problem and smashed the lens. What keeps the reflector in place? It's the nearside so the tanks in the way!!

The bumper and overider look like they've never had any damage, I also swapped the offside without any problems to make sure I hadn't lost the plot!!


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Make sure the reflector is seated properly, if it's fitted at an angle the lower edge can be too low.
Failing that, if the taillight backplate is located by captive studs, try loosening the nuts so it can move slightly, that may help. If the light is located by screws then you're out of luck on that score.
Before going to the hassle of doing this, make sure you have the right lens style ready to go on. The early and late styles aren't interchangeable, unless you change the backplate at the same time,

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