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Any one give any advice on rebuilding/refurbing water pump on a mk2. Are there any particular pitfalls with this that i need to look out for. or is this pretty straight forward. I know one head will need to be slackened to refit inlet manifold but right hand head gasket appears to be weeping anyway so this will be coming off. Getting water and oil in the vee so hoping doing both will cure this. Bit of a pain as the engine runs really well. :-/

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I know the manual sais slacken off one head but you don't have to and best avoided especially if everything else is ok in regards to refitting the i/manifold.
Sometimes a re-torque of the offending head can cure small seepage.
Do a search on the SOC forum,there's a lot of good information regarding the water pump,anyone can search the info although you have to be a member to post on there.

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Thanks guys i am a member of the stag owners club but every time i try to look or submit anything on there it tells me i only have access to certain bits of it so have give up trying will be joining club triumph instead when it runs out.

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1760 wrote:
Thanks guys i am a member of the stag owners club but every time i try to look or submit anything on there it tells me i only have access to certain bits of it so have give up trying will be joining club triumph instead when it runs out.

Have you logged in using the current username/password on P3 of the latest SOC magazine?

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