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Prop shaft UJ'S


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20 hours ago, glang said:

Quality and durability of our u/js (yes only one type for all uses on all small chassis triumphs) seems to vary widely with GKN 100000G uprated Freelander items being the most highly regarded.

+1. The uprated Land Rover U/Js have longer roller bearings  to spread the load and metal bearing caps, well worth the extra cost. I obtained from www.jgs4X4.co.uk Part no. TVC 100010G but these were the larger GKN 1300 series (27 x75mm) for the TR4A. 


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yes its easy to confuse the two part numbers and also other manufacturers use the same number. It gets complicated because genuine Land Rover items might be the same but safest is a UJ in its GKN box with a G at the end of the part number...

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2 hours ago, glang said:

I wonder what the different part number endings mean? Certainly a very good price for 3 of what appear to be real GKN TVF100000G joints...

Afraid that is price each.... 

I managed to pick a few up 2 years ago at £15 each, which I considered a bargain. The chap at the prop balancing place was impressed, he recognised them immediately and had a moan about how many people wanted the cheap UJs fitted.

(I had a vain hope changing the UJs wouldn't put the prop out of balance, but it did a little. Odd, on my toledo changing UJs was fine, no vibration at all)

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