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GT6 Mk3 allen key carb adjusting tool

THe Maestro

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I obtained one of these tools a few days ago and had a quick go at trying to adjust my carbs.  There is a wide barrel which fits over the allen key tool which has a locating pin and slots nicely in place when you insert it into the top of the carb.  Then I tried to actually get the allen key to engage with whatever it is which adjusts the needle height.  However it just spins and doesn't seem to lock onto anything.  I thought maybe it was just extremely free turning and span it round quite a few times.  It didn't make any difference though.  Is there some kind of technique for getting the allen key to go where its supposed to?

Also, can this tool be used when the engine is running or only when its stopped.  I thought it may be a problem doing it when running because you have to unscrew the top, remove the plunger thing and push it in through the dash pot oil well.


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To use Arkwright's favourite phrase, just 'Jer jer jiggle it!'  That's all I do with no problems at all, although you do have to keep a tight hold on the knurled ring to keep it steady.  I've used the tool with the engine running, and no problems.

If you take the plunger with needle out of the carb, you can then try the allen key fit and also see what you're doing.  Then put it all back together and do it for real.  Unless of course you've bought a duff tool..........  Got mine form Chic Doig - great piece of kit.

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Slowdown wrote:
Just one more thought.  There's a small plastic sleeve on the bottom of the allen key.  Make sure it's at least an inch up the shaft so that the tool can engage the needle.

I don't think it has that.  I'll post a picture of it when I get home.

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cook1e wrote:
Check that you actually have the later version of the strombergs fitted, it's only the later versions that have allen key adjustment, the earlier ones have an adjuster under the float chamber.

Yep I'm pretty sure as I've dismantled and rebuilt them.  All they have under the float chamber is a drain hole with a plug in it, but they do have the goove to locate the upper part of the allen key tool.  They are what my Haynes manual refers to as Stromberg CD3s.

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