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GT6 rear bulb holders

THe Maestro

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I replaced these 6 bulb holders recently because they were a bit corroded and I suspected that they were making bad connections at times.  The new set of 6 came from James Paddock but I'm really having problems with them especially the ones which hold the dual filament bulbs - they just don't grip the bulb at all and it seems impossible to make them work without holding the bulbs in with my hand.  Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve this?  Are there any modern alternatives?


Edit: forgot to mention Mk3 Gt6


It seems to be the plastic casing isn't holding the locating pins on the side of the bulbs.  When I push the bulb in and twist, the pins should locate in the cut-out in the plastic.  But even after doing this I can pull the bulbs straight out without even twisting them back.  I've tried bending the contacts at the bottom upwards a little but that just means that they push the bulb out of the holder when I tried.


Richard_B wrote:
Sounds like the bulbs are to small a diameter for the holders?

One of those items is the wrong size.....

Have a word with your supplier.

Could be, the bulb holders are new and the bulbs came out of the old ones.  Maybe the spec is slightly different.  I think I'll just take the bulbs and holders to the local motor factor and see if there is a slightly wider bulb.


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