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overdrive not working


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single rail box "j type" overdrive
i have checked the gearbox oil level and thats ok, i presume its means the overdrive's level os ok as well
i have redone the wireing and the solenoid  when 3rd or 4th is selected  clicks if i touch the wires together in the gearknob (waiting for delivery of a new switch)
is there anything eles i can do to find out why it does not work,the box may have been sitting for a while before i bought it


If you've ruled out electrical and fluid then it's beaten my sixpennyworth. My own is a J type and after sitting for a while can be slow to engage, try a good run to get the heat circulating and the oil well warmed up and try it again. As long as you're sure it's meant to work, that is, and a previous owner didn't remove something he shouldn't have... did it ever work for you, or did you see it working?


Has the oil been changed in the gearbox? It may be wise to do so
The J type is not as easy as the d type to work on
There is a means of checking pressure by screwing on a pressure gauge underneath to ensure full pressure is there to operate the pump
The d type has an inspection plate whereby you can adjust the operating lever to enable the solenoid to operate and the filters can be washed out
The j type as far as I know is not adjustable


If it's full of oil and the solenoid is clicking, then that's the two easy ones out of the way.  As it sounds as though your wiring is a bit "temporary", are you sure it's still works when on the move? It's possible there is a problem with the solenoid or with the two little O-rings on the nose of the solenoid visible once it has been removed.  How far have you driven it?  I had one once that appeared to be dead when first fitted (MUCH cursing!) and then started working for no obvious reason after about 5 miles and worked fine ever after.



I have driven the car up a dual carriageway for about 3miles then back again
I have checked the oil level,the oil did look dark grey/green I think I will change it
then go for a longer run.When the gearbox cover is on and driving the car I would think that you would not be able to hear the solenoid,and without it in place I have got
no chance!
So I will change the oil,go for a run then use the car for couple of days
then when my new switch arrives I will fit that then see what happens

are there any filters to clean in the overdrive  whilst changing the oil
in the gearbox/overdrive



I think there is a pickup filter under that flat plate on the bottom of the OD unit - fine mesh flat rectangular basket.  aslo some strip magnets on the plate itself.  Might be a bit of a bugger to get at depending on you mounting arrangement.  Large amounts of "fluff" in the filter don't bode well for the condition of the cone clutch linings.

Definitly worth trying a known good solenoid before pulling the box out again.....



Nick_Jones wrote:

Definitly worth trying a known good solenoid before pulling the box out again.....


I'll do the oil thing like I said then it might be worth a
trip pictons or mooredale's
Let's hope it's just mankey oil and a bit sticky


Were there any signs the overdrive has been apart or off the box in the recent(ish) past?? I know somebody who bought just such an overdrive box, and it was a recon-od unit BUT when assembled there was no pump cam fitted so the od would never work. A relatively simple fix once it was apart.
But follow nicks advice. Take it for a drive, check the electrics are sound and reliable, and have a look at the solenoid. I may have a spare somewhere, will look later. Indeed the O rings will cause just such a problem, they can split/perish.


just found this from an old post

"So the red herring was thinking that I could hear the solenoid click in, but with the bonnet up it was soon clear that it was the relay I could hear clicking, not the solenoid.  That is when Steve Ash's article came into good use. Having learned that there were two feeds from the fuse box to the relay (one to power the relay and the other to power the solenoid) and discovering that the one that powered the relay was good but the one that powered the solenoid had no power."

the post was about a "j type overdrive"
i have taken a wire from         ingnition ------inhibator -----gearknob------solenoid-----earth

is there a relay on the solenoid
how can i be sure the solenoid is working ok

something down there is clicking !


The J type OD does not need a relay (although you can use one if you want).  It DOES need to be fused - separately I suggest and should be fed from an ignition switch controlled source  (I guess you knew that  ;)).

Assuming you have not fitted a relay then the only thing clicking is the solenoid itself, which is normally a good sign!



EP90 is fine, or EP80 or EP80/90 (which is what my local place keeps)
Thinking about it, nick is right. There is a plate on the bottom of the overdrive that can be taken off, but will need a new gasket on re-assembly (unless you are very lucky!)
The oil does indeed sound iffy. So if you drain it, I would take the solenoid off at the same time and inspect it. Pretty simple, but you need a thin 1" spanner.
Now, off to the garage to rummage!


I fitted a fuse-so the click must be the solenoid
I am draining the oil now,I will refill it, go for drive,
then it will be time for me to go to work
I will use it for the week then change the oil again
Next weekend whilst changing the oil I will remove the
solenoid and have a look/clean.where is the place to get
new gaskets from


ferny wrote:
Not if you have a polarizer. ;)

do they do them for phones ?!!!!!

just came back from a 10 mile trip up the local a10 i did touch the wires when i was nearly back (could not resist)
still nout happened :( but when i got home with the engine off -in 3rd- ignition on, the solenoid is clicking
so i will now leave it until the weekend and do what i said prevoius


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