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Welcome to CT Forum

Darren Sharp

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • admin changed the title to Welcome to CT Forum
24 minutes ago, Beans said:

I presume the content of the old forum will be migrated to this site?

Yes, it’s a complex task due to the custom nature and structure of the old forums, but in some form the existing content will be searchable and available. Still working out the details, and everyone will be told when it’s happening and how. 

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Great improvement... very classic 🙂 not keen on 'moderns'

It's been a while and my old posts are missing but I'm sure all will be found and reinstalled. 

Well done. St. George will be proud of you.

Trying to add photo of 'plum' my 13/60 cv but not aware of URLs?

Edited by Jeffds
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Hi again guys. Do not want to worry you but soon after my last post above  and re-registering with the site, I got a spam Email.

Purported to be from my wife, who confirmed she had NOT sent it,.............

The mail was subject-less and only contained a link. I of course deleted it. Thought I would make you aware...

Hopefully it was just coincidental that it was just after being on line here!!!???

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37 minutes ago, Jeffds said:

 I got a spam Email.

Purported to be from my wife,

The mail was subject-less

Hopefully it was just coincidental

Almost certainly pure coincidence. Why would this site know your wife's email? Or even her name?

Spammers "work" round the clock and you'll get random junk at random times. In so far as they use harvested details from any web sites, there is a delay (often many months) after the harvesting, never mind your registration, before they get spammed. The more immediate risk is downloading trojans, but those don't spam you, they search your address book. So it's more likely that your spam was due to a site your wife visited six months ago than to here.

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Ok Rob. I have, on previous occasions, logged into sites who's webmaster was unaware of some malicious goings on, resulting in spam and junk emails. I'm no expert, in fact all this IT is confusing and my grandkids are trying to get me up to speed.

Just thought I'd mention it.... in case. Thank you for the advise. I will get the wife to do a security check on her equipment  🙂

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