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Cylinder head stuck on

Steve AKA vitessesteve

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I have been breaking down an old GT6 engine of unknown history that I have had as a spare.

After taking the rocker gear off I noticed that a couple of push rods were bent. The crankshaft does turn.  

I have got all but two of head studs out but the head shows no sign of coming off. I have flooded the stud holes and around the edge of the head etc with releasing agent.

I have hit the head with a rubber hammer.

Any suggestions as to how to get it off gratefully received.

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You will need to get those studs out. May not be easy either, if the double nut technique fails then a stud extractor or weld a nut on.

I have used a block of hardwood (about a foot long, sort of 4x2 ish size) and a big club hammer. That usually does it. The blows should be aimed upwards as much as possible..........

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Agree that the studs need to come out.  I imagine they are on the manifold side on near exhaust ports as these are usually the problem ones.  I have a very similar story with a spare engine I had where I ended up welding nuts on two recalcitrant studs.  One came out, the other snapped off flush with the surface.......... which was a bad thing.  In the end I managed to break the gasket bond and unscrew the stud from the block by rotating the whole head around it.  Once off I propped the head on block of wood and beat the stud through with a drift.

Good luck.....


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I have heard, not tested though, of similar situation where they just had the complete engine strung from a block and left hanging overnight. By morning the 2 had separated. No need to get it 6 feet up in the air too, an inch or so will do.

Other than that I can only offer advise to hit the head sideways if the studs are out and nothing preventing it moving sideways. You easier break a bond by trying to shift the components inducing a shear force than pulling them apart.


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Quoted from RedRooster
Your stud extractor is easy, just knock 1/2'' extender out.

I have the same (sykes pickavant) stud extractor, and it often gets stuck on the stud like that.
Knocking out the extension does nothing, the black bit is fixed into the chrome bit so that it swivels, so when you turn it onto the stud it grips and then you can remove the stud (unless it breaks)
The way I free it off, is to put the stud in a vice, and turn the extractor the opposite direction to unlock it.

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Quoted from Sheepy

I have the same (sykes pickavant) stud extractor, and it often gets stuck on the stud like that.
Knocking out the extension does nothing, the black bit is fixed into the chrome bit so that it swivels, so when you turn it onto the stud it grips and then you can remove the stud (unless it breaks)
The way I free it off, is to put the stud in a vice, and turn the extractor the opposite direction to unlock it.

Yes exactly what I did - the black bit had griped the stud so very hard that my work bench (on which the vice is fixed) started to move.  Will have to look at fixing the bench to the wall or floor....

Will try putting the exhaust manifold back and leave a jack pushing up on the manifold - hopefully when I get back after the weekend the head will have freed itself.

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Find something solid a strong arm or a scaffold bar place gently against the side of the head then belt the bugger with a big hammer, metal to metal works better than wood. Or make sure all the valves are fully closed fill the bores with oil, spark pugs in and wang it over with a windy gun or even a hefty fast lever on a strong arm. Failing that place a small pea sized piece of C4 in each plug hole insert fuse, make sure the wife and kids are out, the cats a few gardens away and your house insurance is up to date.  

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