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Have I broke my brakes?


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Evening all, I might have done something silly... Took my calipers off today to renew the seals (Mk 2 Spit, btw) and mistakenly undid one of the bolts holding the two halves of the caliper. The Haynes manual warns 'on no account undo these bolts' - have I caused irreversible damage, or can I just retighten the bolt and offer up a quick prayer to the gods of restoration? The system was already drained of fluid, if that makes any difference.
    Yours in hope,

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Opinion seems divided  on this one - some people have told me that the bolts are weakened once undone, and can't be re-used (combined with horror stories of exploding calipers) - others have said that they have been re-using bolts for years with no problem.... that's cleared that up then!

I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread, as I have a pair of calipers which have been "split".

Anyone else able to offer some advice?

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Not had a problem and split a few and reused bolts. There is a small rubber seal to errrr seal the join between the 2 halves, and the bolts are not the stretch type. If concerned buy some new PROPER strength bolts (NOT stainless, zinc plated but with the correct grading on them, sorry do not know it off the top of my head, should be on the bolts you took out) and do up tight, again I did by feel rather than torque wrench. May be a figure somewhere though?

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