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  • Young Members Terms and Conditions

    Young Membership is open to all UK based Triumph enthusiasts from the age of 16 to 24 inclusive; proof of age may be asked for at any time. Young membership will automatically change to full membership after the member's 25th birthday. Should any Young Member's subscription be paid during their 25th year it will be honoured for that full year's membership. It will automatically revert to the full subscription rate at the time of renewal (UK subscription rate).

    This is a single membership and associate members can be added at £2.00 per member.

    On joining you will receive a welcome email containing your membership number and details on how to join the forum, from here you will have access to the "members only" part of the website.

    All correspondence will be via email; this includes Secretary's Notes and renewal reminders.

    You will receive, by post, the latest edition of Club Torque and a membership card. This can be useful if taking part in some of the driving events as entry to some of these stipulate the driver must show proof of current membership.

    Please note:

    Young membership is only open to people from the age of 16 to 24 inclusive. Membership will be terminated with immediate effect if the member in question is found to have supplied incorrect information about their age; if membership to Club Triumph has been quoted when obtaining Car Insurance, it may become invalid.

    No refunds will be given.

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