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thescrapman last won the day on September 27

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  1. Just fit an all-synchro box to spitfire. Problem solved.
  2. If that rotten it will just pull off, if not a little bit of persuasion will shift it. hammer new one on with a rubber mallet
  3. I have a 3-rail d-type box on back of a 1500. Handled torque OK when I last used it. just need right clutch plate.
  4. It has been said you ask most Classic car owners what year the car is, you just ask Triumph owners how many they have. I maxed out at 15, others I know hit mid 20’s. Nobody just has 1 Triumph unless they are a bit odd.
  5. The scatter will be just map references. If you do fancy doing more, look up your local Motor Club. There is a big push to get more people involved by the MSA MsUK, which is why lots of clubs are running training sessions at the moment. And if you are any good in the LH seat, you will forever be in demand for 12-cars. 🙂
  6. Not wishing to be a doommonger, my original head had a big crack between 2 cylinders, that caused the HG failure. Inspect very carefullly when it comes off.
  7. It has been done. You can buy an off the shelf kit. Based on Corsa columns usually. Not cheap. Make sure nothing else is amiss first. Not found a need myself, only slightly heavy when stationary. Same as the other Triumphs.
  8. HTTPS://chelmsfordmc.co.uk/node/23 a few guides here. If you are near Essex, might be able to sign you up for the navigators training night.
  9. ISTR there is a couple of very faint dimples in the door frame to indicate where the holes go.
  10. And just over the bridge in Kent, I went and picked mine up.
  11. Nearer 1% on those figures. Glad most of my classic car odometers range between under reading 20% to not having recorded a single mile for 30+ years. Think I need to remove the drive pegs from the drive. :-)
  12. Definitely north Essex, the best part obviously. 😀
  13. It is only that unpleasant little man in London who is really pushing for ppm, so OK for a while. It will be impossible to introduce it retrospectively, new cars are undoubtedly setup for it already as they are all internet connected, but no chance for anything older, so they will have to legislate our cars off the road if they want only ppm vehicles on road. Not sure any government could push that through. it will be other factors that curtail the RBRR, most likely everyone getting too old and not enough youngsters filling the gaps.
  14. My last 2 engines have been done at Gosnays in Romford, a friend had the work done and put engine together for me. Where in Essex are you working?
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