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frenchiemk2 last won the day on November 28 2023

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  1. Yes. The system is operating when i checked under the car. No leak and moving but i don't know if the course is long enough or the slave faulty anyhow. Is there a way to measure this (o read nothing on Haynes.
  2. Clutch hydraulics is operating, no leak, no bubbles... so damn stuck! I couldn't manage to unstick this. What's the solution? Don't tell me i have to replace the whole clutch kit...😒
  3. Didn't drive the mk2 Pi for a couple of months and only now seems like the clutch doesn't operate correctly or fully. I feel the pedal operate but i can't engage any gear when the engine runs. Once a gear is engaged, the car moves even operating the clutch pedal... Any ideas?
  4. That things you find in France... Ferry pipe for gt6 with Weber 40.
  5. The M.U is being sent for maintenance. Surprise surprise there were 4 pedestal shim gaskets... 0.035, 0.010 ans 2x 0.009. So that's way over the manual preco (0.003 to 0.007) was it a conversion (inches to mm) error in a past maintenance? The 104939 shim ordered today too.... Because even my thinnest is too thick...
  6. i re checked my tool marks for TDC and i misread the mid distance. So the zero mark was and is still correct
  7. I noticed nothing since the M.U is sent for renewal and the distributor/M.U shaft has wear too and will be done. Thanks for your comment.
  8. Thanks to John i could measure the effective TDC with the tdc locator tool i bought 6 months ago and stored so well that i couldn't retrieve it for the last 3 days... Ok now there's a gap of 7-8 degrees that matches right the former TDC as the ignition timing at 7. That said, mean that my old worn damper had a static little wear (maybe worse at idle or rev). Just waiting my M.U back to put all that stuff in place and DRIVE.
  9. I bought Toyo Proxes for my Pi. Very satisfying
  10. Well... Things going on one after another... I had a gap on the rotor arm and as the M.U needed expert maintenance, i sent it to a dedicated english oldies garage north France. 1st he tells me the M.U had been set on non original setting... Which i didn't know. Now i unplugged the shaft and there's gap on the lower gear which i believe occurs a play in the ingnition and maybe fuel distribution too. So I'll get the 2 new mecanindus pins to renew the shaft It's a long way to the top when you want to rock an roll... 20240903_113558.mp4
  11. you can find stab=ndard splines everywhere here 43mm you just have to measure front and rear because they might not be same length. https://fr.merlinmotorsport.co.uk/p/7-16-unf-boulon-de-roue-43mm-long-ws-7-16-1-3-4 For alloys, the correct angle is 60° but maybe wider angle on steel wheels (genuine)
  12. sorry, i just edited my post a minute ago, just watch up... As for the studs i cut them a few mm so that i could mount them at the rear (very little room).
  13. https://www.ebay.fr/itm/301337790480 https://www.ebay.fr/itm/265927305812?var=565764110102 https://www.ebay.fr/itm/176183070951?_nkw=16+x+7%2F16"+UNF%2C+19mm+Hex+Open+Alloy+Wheel+Nuts+(Zinc)&itmmeta=01J6FBS88QHV65S85B23WWMNVJ&hash=item29055450e7:g:Ee8AAOSwCA9lpTh5&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmBT0YuOVH9jukEq4DuPKh9pfZqXxZIFxBA4t2JO2SaDMoAryG0CU5uFR1xrUHxhMRNVzgQP1JMHmhfUhd5hc6V4ilf%2FcZhWJiqY4Iz8vDFRBnPEUei1rMSh6%2Bho0SjBGU%2BS32Ku1zAvNtxvZE97rKniuCVfAi7ZDrsbBKnYL7kfT4tq%2BiSTU8myU6RM%2FdbLFj1Fl16l74Rta20PErthpzFWS%2BglAbS7W6o5517tL%2BoFz1VQiyK0xZFqIBJN%2FAxlDgt1hzHl1DHCw2PD1x51ZK2pcUf%2F5pSj7l6ZbVNpKe%2BzQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR7KE5euzZA I put large alloys on my saloon Pi and needed longer studs. New ones at rear and rear ones at front. New wheel bolts and chamfrein the alloys with a tool. I don't know if it will be that easy for your car but i can give you links if needed.
  14. 1 this is where my oldies are. https://www.assurancesclavel.com/ Other speciliazed in comp https://www.assuracing.com/assurance-vehicules/assurance-vehicule-de-competition-2/
  15. Hi. Did you find an insurance yet. Here in France we have insurance companies specialized in classic and antique cars. You can have a contract with temporary plates and car registration documents, even those with lost documents. But i don't know if they make policies for competitions or people not living in France. And those insurance contracts are rather cheap base plus options. Very nice car by the way.
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