RBRR 2023 - 2000 Miles in 48 Hours
All that driving means 2000 miles in 48 hours, to be successful an average speed of 40mph must be maintained throughout the weekend, a difficult task for modern cars let alone cars 40 years old! At present, Nigel Abdullah, our route master is looking over maps to ensure that the Road Book is accurate and as clear as possible. The route is designed to encompass all types of British roads and be completed by the smaller engine Triumph cars such as the Herald and Toledo. We do not encourage driving at illegal speeds or driving whilst tired. To make speeding unnecessary, control stops are only opened at specific times to regulate the speeds of the cars.
The RBRR is all about participation in a unique event and the thrill of driving your Triumph car. The condition of the car is not important, they range from immaculate cars to robust ‘daily drivers’, all types are welcome.Most models of Standard and Triumph post war car have now taken part in the event, including some unusual types have completed the event. As with most things in life, the more one puts into something, the better the outcome, so it is recommended that some spanner work is undertaken before the RBRR, making sure that the car is in mechanically good condition! Remember that most of the cars now undertaking this event are over 40 years old, so please get fettling once you have gained entry. The Club issues advice notes to help with preparation.
The RBRR is an addictive event, 60% of the crews entered will have done the event before, and once completed owners tend to start to think ahead to the next one and what should be done over the next 2 years to improve the car! You will meet lots of Triumph enthusiasts who love to use their car, maybe forge some enduring friendships and hopefully you will join a group of Triumph owners who have taken part and completed one of the most rewarding old car events in the UK!
Should you require more information please contact the RBRR Organising Team by e-mail: rbrr@clubtriumph.co.uk. They will be pleased to discuss the event and answer any questions. Please visit the Club’s website, clubtriumph.co.uk where the list of entered cars is stated and a very active discussion forum can be viewed. The event also has a Facebook page, as administered by some entrants, please have a look..
It really is a bit special to be using a trusted Triumph car for a continual 48 hours and to be able to say at the end that one completed the Club Triumph Round Britain Reliability Run!
The Club Triumph Round Britain Reliability Run, a great driving event, a great way to see the United Kingdom, in fact, GREAT FUN!
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