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Posts posted by nimbus145

  1. Obviously ran out of time so it’s now become a job for next weekend.

    Good question on why I bled the brakes, I forgot to include in the first message that I had spare new rear wheel cylinders and as the old ones looked pretty ropey I thought I just as well swap them over. These seem to be functioning as advertised so were discounted from the problem. 

    Many thanks for all the other useful info.

  2. Hi

    i have just replaced my rear brake shoes. Once bled and back together when I press the brake pedal it goes almost to the floor a second press of the pedal and it applies the brakes immediately just as it should and feels good and firm. Any further pedal push and it remains firm but if left for any length of time again on the first push pedal goes almost to the floor and firms up again on second push.

    i thought I hadn’t readjusted the rear brakes correctly as it felt like the first push was taking up ‘slack’ and then on the second push the shoe was in the right place so worked ok. I used the adjuster until the brakes just bit and backed off a bit. This has made no difference.

    i am not losing any brake fluid.

    Does anybody have any ideas?

    many thanks


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