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  • Welcome to the 2024 Club Triumph Treasure Hunt

    This event will take place on Sunday 9th June 2024 in Bedfordshire. It is primarily intended to be a bit of fun and is aimed squarely at groups of two to four people in a car with some though, for obvious reasons of road traffic legality, not all being children or possibly even dogs! There are some clues specifically designed for children but none for dogs! Beware – this event contains daft stuff!

    The event starts at 10:30 at The Mill, Bridge End, Bromham MK43 8LP

    (map ref 153 - 010/507.5) where a variety of breakfasty type things will be available from 09:30 and the car park is free.

    The event will finish at The Priory Marina Beefeater, Priory Country Park, Barkers Lane, MK41 9DJ

    (map ref 153 – 071/494.25) at approximately 14:30.

    All navigation will be by map ‘grid’ references as shown above and the whole event runs on OS sheet 153.

    Please see/download the Supplementary Regulations for full details.

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