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Chris O

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  1. I’ve now spoken to Allan Ellingworth who’s confirmed my car completed the RBRR. He’s also told me it completed the 2019 Ten Countries run. Can anyone give me the cars entry number so I can add that to its history file? Many thanks - again!
  2. Thanks once again Tim and Richard. Going through the paperwork I have on the car I’ve found an old email address for Allan Ellingworth and have emailed him. If I don’t get a reply I’ll come back to you as the address may be an old one. Also googled the reg number and found pictures of it on the run in Cornwall and at John O’Groats. Should have thought of that before 🙄. Now I just need to find some of its history from the Isle of Man where it was first registered!
  3. Thanks for your replies. Could you pass the message on to Tim Bancroft for me as I’ve not been on the forum long enough to be allowed to message him. Thanks again Chris
  4. Hi Last year I bought a Mk 1 Stag and I am currently researching its history. When I bought it there was an RBRR sticker on the boot lid so I’m guessing it may have completed this event at sometime in the past. Looking at the mileage records I think it may have been 2018. Is there a way of looking at the records of cars that took part and whether they finished or not? Is there such a thing as a certificate of some kind? The registration is PBF 25K. TIA for any info. Chris
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