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Posts posted by Jason

  1. Well that was fun! Generally things went well, I had a few panic calls, desperate emails and general wailing but less than last time! 

    There are a couple of issues that Keith and I will sort out, once the dust has settled. The first one is numbering, the system seems to have duplicated quite a few entry nunbers and I'm really not sure why/how. Never mind, just don't get attached to your numbers! We will sort them out and ensure each number is unique to a crew.

    Please ensure you have the right email address in the system as we will use this to communicate updates and announcements - check your spam filter and add Club Triumph to your trusted list. Likewise with mobile phone numbers, we may try a WhatsApp broadcast only group this time as a way to get last minute and mobile updates out.

    Thanks for your patience and continued support for the event.


  2. Best contact Ellis direct, he can then cancel your entry, provide any refund, in accordance with the rules and fill your entry space with a reservist. The 10CR is totally separate to the RBRR, just on the same backbone system, so I have no 'jurisdiction' on matters 10CR. If you've booked hotels or ferries you may be able to sell those on to the reservists who take your place too.

  3. I've always been a fan of DOT5 simply because I've never been able to bleed the brakes without making a mess! (and I prefer that mess to be non-destructive of my paintwork!)

    I've resurrected a few cars from long term storage and usually change the fluid, the one time I didn't I eventually found that whilst the master cylinder was full of DOT5 the system was full of something else! It had been like that for a couple of years before it started to cause issues and I eventually sorted it with a fluid change and a master cylinder refurb. I'll be putting DOT 5 in the TR when I replace the master cylinder (this weekend).


  4. I've contacted everyone who still owes fees or needs to update their entry but several entries are still not complete, some reservists have not yet taken up their places. We are over subscribed so we are reliant upon a few crews dropping out so if you can't take up your place, please do let me know. Otherwise I will continue to chase until the end of the month when I would like to cull those who aren't responding or paying and remove them from the list.

    If you don't show "live there is a problem so you need to action that ASAP, with teh exception of teams 60 and 68 - this isn't your problem, it's mine, the financial records for your entries are incorrect

    I am conscious that a few of you have had issues with the web based system and thank  you for your patience as we have worked through those issues. 

    In general, most entries have gone through OK, many of the issues seem to be down to the website strangely allowing people to set up accounts with the same details resulting in duplicate entries, which the system then falls over when you try to use one of them! We are looking into how to fix this.

    Some of you have contacted me for help, I know I've been elusive - often I don't have the answer and it needs a combination of us to find a way round things. 

    We do have an issue with adding a third crewman, please let me know directly of you want to do this.

  5. We have increased the entry threshold - that means you reservists are "in" and, if your accounts are up to date,  you should have had an email with a request for funds.

    Please sign into the site and edit your entry, update the details and pay.

    If you have issues please get in touch and I'll work through them with you.

    This means that the entry is now closed, we cannot take any more entrants, even if we get withdrawals - we have "overbooked" and are expecting withdrawals.


  6. We have had some interesting times with our new cardnet service and are struggling to figure out how to make refunds, Lloyds have not been very helpful so to expedite things, the Treasurer will write some cheques and get them in the post now.
    The irony of this is not lost on me, we implemented this new system to modernise and get away from cheques but end up sending them ourselves!


  7. From Keith - Internet bullies Microsoft have been trying to undermine us and our event by blocking e-mails from this server preventing users from verify their accounts. They have been asked via our ISP to desist but are continuing in this hostile action against us, a small club trying to raise money for charity. We can't let them succeed, if you are Microsoft or Hotmail user please can you tell them what you think of them, or move to a proper provider!

  8. No not the status of having a number but the status of entries!

    I am going through and fixing the numbers on the entry list at the moment, as I do so you will see the entry status change to "live" that just means I've had my hands in your entries!

    There are now some strange order to them, sorry about that I now need to fix the sorting!

    Something I have noticed with a few entries, mobile numbers - PLEASE put them in your profiles.

  9. Apologies for my silence, I work on a site where I have no internet or mobile phone access so I'm not able to moonlight during the day!

    A couple of updates for you.

    I still haven't don the numbers but I promise I'll sort them out on the weekend.

    You should get an email when you have paid, if you didn't get one don't fret, we know Hotmail seems to just avoid our emails, it's possible there may be others. If you registered with a Hotmail address it may be worth changing that - got to the new site and edit your profile - there are some instructions on the separate thread. This won't result in a resend of the missing email but it will ensure you get any subsequent emails.

    Apologies accepted for previous snarky comments - it was a bit of a mental weekend and I appreciate people did get frustrated

    I think we messed up too in not being very clear about what web sites to go to and exactly what to do when you got there - despite that it still filled up in record time. I can't do much about that, with the sort of demand we have there will always be some who miss out, sorry. Perhaps there's room for another similar event, if you agree, step up and organise one (genuinely, have a go. Any CT event organising team member will be happy to chat through what's needed and if you are doing it as a Club event you can probably use the website too!)

    Reserve list protocol - I'm going to start a separate thread as this one is massive and it'll get lost here!

  10. For those of you who can't see the "ENTER" button or who have managed to get into the new site but had to create a new account to do so I think we've figured out what's gone wrong. By design the system should have imported your old details BUT for some of you it did not (and we don't really know why but suspect it's nuances with your credentials, spaces, capitals, punctuation, etc). So what you have is a sort of half arsed account without a membership number etc. So, when you come to enter the system does not recognise you as a member.
    Here's a potential fix,

    • Sign in to https://clubtriumph.ltd
    • Go to your Profile page, then to Settings and then to Access member details
    • Now fill in the form and click to submit, it should pull through your details from the database.
      If there’s an issue it will send details to Keith so he can sort it.

  11. You may see some status changes as we work through the list. If you were on the phantom reserve list please do the following;

    • Sign in to https://clubtriumph.ltd
    • Go to you profile page, then go to the event entry.
    • Go to 'settings' then 'edit entry details'
    • Go through and check / amend your entry and you will be taken to the payment screen at the end
    • Once completed, you will then become submitted like everyone.

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