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Beans last won the day on July 18

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  1. ’t Kreng’s got another MOT, but despite that she managed to live up to her name! https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/07/an-mot-for-t-kreng-and-appraisel.html
  2. Looks like everything is as it should be. MOT tomorrow morning!
  3. It looks like ’t Kreng is fit for service again. Test drive hopefully tomorrow evening. https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/07/finishing-t-krengs-water-pump-take-3.html
  4. Fitting the water pump and watching Les 24 Heures du Mans don’t go well together from a point of view of time! https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/06/fitting-t-krengs-water-pump.html
  5. Removed the old water pump from ‘t Kreng today. It was rather obvious why it was leaking! https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/06/removing-t-krengs-water-pump.html
  6. Finished reconditioning the new water pump for ‘t Kreng this evening https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/06/water-pump-reconditioning-part-2.html
  7. Started on reconditioning the replacement water pump for ‘t Kreng today https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/06/water-pump-reconditioning-part.html
  8. No! As I haven't had much problems with the original set up over the years (36 and counting 🤩). This pump was fitted 17 years ago. Most problems people encounter with the original pump are small leaks that usually self seal with regular use. But lots of pumps have been replaced needlessly because people don't have a clue how the water seal works.
  9. Managed to spent a few hours on the interior of the ’76 car over the weekend. https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/05/700-fhc-resto-nr-164-trial-fitting.html
  10. I let the engine run for 10 minutes yesterday evening. Doesn't look like the leak is getting less. So I had a search through the spares this evening in search of a spare pump to recondition. Found only one but it looks in pretty good condition. To be continued ...
  11. Update; coolant level yesterday morning (top) and this evening (bottom) ... mmm
  12. Looks like I will have some quality time with ‘t Kreng soon, as I might have to pull the water pump from its engine at last! https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/05/its-definitely-leaking-again.html
  13. Fabricated a few small but essential pieces for the rear of the ’76 car’s interior https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/05/fhc-resto-nr-163-spreading-load.html
  14. Tonight I finished the dashboard switch panel for the ’76 car https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/05/fhc-resto-nr-162-facia-switch-panel.html
  15. Dashboard switch panel for the ’76 car nearly finished https://tr7beans.blogspot.com/2024/05/fhc-resto-nr-161-dashboard-switch-panel.html
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