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Posts posted by Torpedo4

  1. My name is Doug Jensen,
       My father would not let me buy a decapitated TR7 on the side of the road when I was 15, and I have been rebelling ever since.  I have owned a British car in one form or another since College.  Mostly TR7's....  I bought a TR8 on Y2K, and have put endless miles on it.  On our first trip to England,my wife and I ran the Land Rover Experience outside of Coventry during our visit to the Heritage Motor Centre Museum.  Of course we bought a Discovery as soon as we got home.   Adding two kids to our family proved to my wife that we needed a Stag in our collection....and that is how I met Joe Earnest...  My Stag engine seized on the purchase ride home.  Joe had a spare engine 8 hours away, so I flew down, bought the engine, threw it in the back of a rental car and drove home.  Now the kids are outgrowing the Stag... so of course we need a 2000!  After Ebay bidding on many a 2000/2500, and struggling to get someone to sell one across the Ocean, I won the MK1 which the kids, the wife and I are looking forward to.  Roy/Tim and Lee have been invaluable to allowing this to happen.  Also this year someone sold me very cheap a TR3 parts car, which I am determined to get on the road with the UGLY old orange paint scheme still intact.
    A Christmas photo of my family in 2007 while I was rebuilding the Stag engine

  2.   Roy asked us to post about who we are.  Some of the guys are at a Car Rally this weekend, so I hope that I can speak for them until they can speak for themselves.
       We are a group of guys that have met from across the United States, who love to drive our British Cars.  We live all over the country and meet every year in a different place to spend a few days together, just as a small group.  We also go to the large gatherings of British Cars, but this is a tight knit group that enjoys our own parties too. We plan drives, and rallies and events just for us to have a great time.  Last year we all met in Georgia at the Walter Mitty Classic Car race.  Previous spots were in Michigan, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania.   This year is at the 10CR!
       We are NOT the guys who just go to club meetings and talk about our cars.  We ENDLESSLY work and run our cars to exhaustion and then repair as necessary to bring the cars back to factory or better standards.  Most of us have at least 2 British cars and are serious British Car folks.  But even when it is winter time, we get together as just friends throughout the country as well.  There is not a bad apple in the bunch.  We run our cars hard and demand everything out of them, we laugh, we fix and we relax together.  There are some of us who cannot come to Britain this year, and it will be painful for them not to be here with us. We will toast them from far lands...

    Our group of 12 currently is:

    Doug Jensen  from Kentucky.
    Joe Earnest from Georgia
    Victor Rohner from Michigan
    John Vandorn from New York
    Mike Roe from Indiana
    Glen Minucci from Maryland
    Robert Wolosonowich from the Marines.
    Jim Orr from Georgia
    Dave Magella from Ohio
    Mike Montoya from Florida (on the fence)
    open slot still...
    open slot still...

    I am sure others will add more...

  3. Thanks for the info.  I saw the email from my Co-driver and now have a general idea.  I will look forward to the clues as they come.  I cannot claim the 1300FWD (Torpedo 2), that award goes to our own Joe Earnest. Thanks for the response.

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