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Posts posted by Saltddirk

  1. there are 2 grooves machined into it, terminating in a fork one end and then 2 more, 90 deg out terminating in a fork at the other end

    at about the middle there seems to be a mechanical impact area, with some markings on the sides and a slightly brighter surface indicating contact, wear?

  2. hi,
    Yesterday we removed the GB on the Spit in view of a rebuild,
    When draining the oil into the drainpan we noticed this "needle"
    I can not say for sure it came out of the gearbox, it might have been on the pan before we started without getting noticed, but chances are slim, I had cleaned the pan with a pressure washer last month and it has not been used since.

    So what is it? where did it come from? I can not find any ref on the technical drawings

  3. dont we take ourselves a bit too serious?
    for me this is to have a week end of fun and to raise a bit for a good cause while we are at it, Not more not less. This is not a million dollar race with professional teams and assistance, just a bunch of oily rags getting together and see what we can do, having fun and suffering a bit.... As far as I know nobody has been refused a finisher award because he missed a control out of the opening times, I know I haven't.. And when we arrived this year at kneb Dave (or that was perhaps Tim) remarked "well done, at least it is still the same day"  and we laughed at it.
    I have been calling "control" when we were late but still moving, mainly because I did not want the marshals to stay back for us when I knew we were not going to make it in a decent time. They have a life too...

    As to the origin of this tread, please dont change anything it's perfect. We are there out of free will and sound of mind, (OK I made that up, it doesnt apply to me) well capable of making our own decisions and judgments when to stop or where to Drive.
    In a few years time it might well be not longer morally acceptable to waste fuel and drive all night,  just as 4x4 vehicles are now frowned upon because , to quote Jeremy Clarkson:" They make the polar bear topple over", but what will change then is that we will not longer be able to raise money for a good cause, so be it. We'll do it on our own and still have fun and a good laugh doing it.


  4. Shaun,
    If the block is skimmed the numbers are gone,
    on your spitfire it is the same, no number, or a very vague one IIRC, or was that on mine....
    I know there is a table somewhere with the comm numbers and GB/ engine numbers in relation to that, he might find his series going that route, unless of course the block has been changed

  5. Quoted from ferny
    Some users spit their dummy out at the mere mention of SatNav. I can't see those ones liking the idea of having to use a phone for a QR code. Plus, now I've switched to Vodaphone I can't get a signal outside of a city, whilst holding the phone at arms length and jumping as high as I can.

    understand now why you were driving the RBRR dressed up as a giant Cat...

  6. Thanks Colin and Dazzer.

    The box physically fits the engine, we have tried that.
    I had my doubts as to the Shaft "design", ie the splines and spigot being of different length / Diameter

    The engine is an early "vanguard" engine, 4 cylinder as used on the Renown. It is basically the same as TR2 but with different head and stud arrangement.
    I dont have a TR crank to compare mine with, and am told that they are different but the bits sticking out are the same. (or at least seem to be)

    Most of the Roadsters I know have, when they change for a TR engine kept the TR floor mounted 4 speed box. There must be a reason for that. Perhaps it is only because the gearing is now better suited for high way cruising (original box has only 3 speed), but maybe not.

    I have a spare Renown engine and wanted to pair it to a OD box I bought at Stoneleigh. Pete has overhauled the box for me and it is brand new inside. That should give me a few more HP and a better gearing for the next RBRR!

  7. hello,

    As we found out the shaft diameter of the Big saloon OD box and the clutch on the Vanguard engine  (or TR 4 pot engine for this purpose) are of different diameters,

    Easy enough to fit a saloon clutch/ release bearing/ pressure plate but are there any other pitfalls, point to look out for? The spigot looks shorter too?


  8. Just make sure the circuits are correctly protected as stated above.

    There was the story in the Pre 1940 Triumph Owners Club about an American owner (and I believe our Club President's old car) who had his car on a battery conditioner, it malfunctioned and burnt the garage down together with his Stag and Gloria..

    Then a few months later I had one malfunctioning, or perhaps the battery shorted, but the net result was that the battery exploded. Seen the damage that that did to whatever was round it I dont connect a smart charger to the battery any longer, and certainly avoid them while the battery is inside the car


  9. I have heard, not tested though, of similar situation where they just had the complete engine strung from a block and left hanging overnight. By morning the 2 had separated. No need to get it 6 feet up in the air too, an inch or so will do.

    Other than that I can only offer advise to hit the head sideways if the studs are out and nothing preventing it moving sideways. You easier break a bond by trying to shift the components inducing a shear force than pulling them apart.


  10. Quoted from Ellis Stokes

    I wonder if he'll still be saying that when 60 Triumphs turn up!  

    Easy, has been done before.

    And as Shaun says, it would be great to have a Triumphant BBQ and then set off all together in the morning.
    Some might even come in useful in helping getting the Spit ready for the run. (see unfinished business)

    And for those not wanting a barn to sleep in, there is a BW close by, or a few B&B i can direct you to.

    But wait a moment,,,,,,
    didn't I recall correctly that quite a few of you were bemoaning the fact that there is no more overnight driving in the 10CR, and now they are all crying out for soft beds!......
    Arhh, no pleasing them isn't it.


  11. Good!
    Dates suits my days off... keep them that way...
    And now that Shaun is out of hibernation.... Please just re-submit our entry papers from last time. We have some unfinished business to settle.

    Starting from Lille is also a good thing. Our home turf practically.
    Anyone wanting a continental base for the start, more than welcome.


  12. hiya
    I know it is frowned upon but Team Broom will also be using Satnav for the long stretches when all are asleep. Beside the driver that is.
    Last time round we had a list of coordinates of the controls, any chance this year anyone did the same? Specially the more obscure ones... Sugar loaf, Westy-whatevert- airfield, badgers holt....
    I will only be getting the roadbook on friday so advance plotting and programming is essential for us.


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