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Posts posted by Matt306


    Yep that will put me about 5-10mm to far forward on the bulkhead and other mounts.  I guess i can grind off the welds and weld them back on.


    I asked on TSSC forum when I was on the rebuild and was advised the rear face of the front cross member was the datum line, I have since learnt this was the too far forward I think its the bolts on the uprights isn't it? Feel free to refer to my diagram where I have marked several points.
    I think I have pulled the whole gubbins forward by about 5-10mm which is blooming annoying. I have it all bolted down though which is a bonus and the doors close. I think my winter project will be stripping the out riggers off but this time using a wooden framed jig I think. I guess the cost will be some paint , and skin off my knuckles and new fuel and brake lines. Ho hum... unless someone has a better idea??


    I have no roof at the moment so no worries there.  I think i took the datum line too far forward on the technical drawing. This has been a learning curve...


    Checked this morning its around 795mm so a little to far forward which should make that bonnet gap small not large.


    The most annoying is, i cant shift the bonnet back (its at it limit) or the door forward (it catches on the screen or doesn't shut) i am at a loss for the theory of where to shove washers to close that up


    I think its  something to do with having to weld on 6 completely new outriggers 7 if you include the one holding the exhaust up too!

    When the chassis came the body was welded to the outriggers, when i say welded there wasn't much metal there. So I couldn't do one at a time it was just a case of grind them all off and start again with the workshop manual. With hindsight I think I may have changed a few things such as do some maths and work out the diagonals and make a wooden jig to peg the outriggers. Oh well its done now. I keep my eye out for another chassis as if I can find another I think I will try again with the benefit of hindsight.

    I have tilted the bulkhead forward to get the door to shut, I cant recall how many penny washers are there, I'll photo it . The other side is a great fit annoyingly!

    The door does shut so that's important and it might well just be enough to get it through the MOT.


    If i could move the bulk head forward the door wouldn't shut. Think the door is pulled as far back as it can go. I'll measure later


    I cant move the bonnet back any more, nor the door forward. The drivers door shuts (just) but good enough for the MOT.

    Its 5 years since i got the Herald , I think i am going to bung it in for MOT as is... the remainder will be restored on the road. I know the handbrake is a common failure point but mine seems to hold the car with it on so fingers crossed. Any other common maladies?

  1. Ok bit confused about how the light switches should work.

    The master switch has two positions, the first position activates the side lights and the column switch allowing the column switch to switch the lights between dip and main. The second position on the master appears there fore redundant.... have i got this wired up wrong?

    Just checking before I put the relay in


    A few years back i acquired my very rotten 1970 Herald 13/60. The drivers door was beyond saving and so i salvaged the locks winder and glass and binned the rest. I found a Vitesse door but it has a different lock mechanism and also a the screw at the front edge for securing the quarter light is not recessed under a plug. The door doesn't fit quite as well either.... is there any difference between herald/vitesse doors apart from the lock mechanism?

    Anyone got a late Herald door near Worcestershire?

  2. I am going to put a couple of relays in for my headlights and put a fuse box in too.  My Herald is a negative earth 13/60 I have already put an alternator in.
    Now reading the electrical  wiring diagram it appears the headlights are protected by a fuse already to the main switch. Has anyone added extra in?

  3. It might be the engine its come from. The head on it is a Spitfire head, i found this out when i ordered new valves, someone might have changed the starter too.
    It has the starter cog and spring at the end of the starter. The cog spinning up and down the shaft.

  4. Battery is new and I tried Jumping it off my Diesal 406 so tons of power. V at terminals 12.5 volts.

    Heres a pic of the Commuter after being lightly rubbed, it was quite dirty before, also a pic of the bushes it appear the +ve feed bushes are the burnt ones.
    I know there is a bush missing in the pic it is there and was fitted, it was nice and shiny like the other negative bush.

  5. Checked continuity on the others all was good. I thought the commuter should be insulated in between the contacts.  the springs are there the brushes looked smooth on two the other two looked pitted and burnt. I used a cine paper to clean up the contacts.

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