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Matt306 last won the day on December 21 2024

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  1. Matt306

    Mark 1 Stag

    Err no comment...
  2. Matt306

    Mark 1 Stag

    That was rotten around the sides all where the mud flings up and rots. The chassis rail rotten too
  3. Matt306

    Mark 1 Stag

    So where to start with it... Well its too cold to paint in the garage so lets get the wheel arches done. When they are done we can get the engine bay painted up. In pops the engine and gearbox, going with the OD box from the abandoned project (just need a fly wheel and engine back plate for stag engine if anyone has one knocking around). Fuel lines renewed Suspension rebuild with new bushes Diff new seals as well. Steering rebuild Brake rebuild Electrics Bit of paint when warm New Hood , Done (ish)
  4. Matt306

    Mark 1 Stag

    its cut up as its so rotten but its here if you need bits
  5. Matt306

    Mark 1 Stag

    After the realisation my last project was too far gone (I am a slow learner at times, plus stubborn!) I decided to get rid. The body was to rotten for anyone so i am selling off what I can to recoup some money. Well on Ebay was my next project. not wishing to be bitten again I drove to see it. Nice chap who was selling who could tell me the history. He basically deals in farm machinery which was evident from his yard however had come across the stag on his visits buying . The car was taken off the road in the early 80s to have the rust on the wheel arches fixed and sat in a nissin hut since then. Then engine and auto gear box removed but still with the car. So its a Mark one, couple of bits which shouldn't be there coach lines dont think they came until Mark 2? Chrome Strip under door on sill should that be there? under neath I go... the floor pans show no sign of welding i could find any signs of welding. The under side has a lot of surface rust, the wheel arches need some TLC and few other places but the welder should have an easy time with this one. The boot lid is a mark two but is new old stock panel with light surface rust.(any one got a mark one panel they want to swap?) A discussion was had with SWMBO and a deal done including delivery. As a bonus the seller brought the rover v8 out of the old stag knocking off some more money off the price.
  6. Having cut the vehicle up , i am now convinced it was the right decision. Underneath there was evidence of patching to main rails. The gutter rails around the tonneau were completely gone and the boot lid gutters were paper thin. Sometime you need to realise it just wouldnt be strong or safe enough for road use.
  7. I'll dm u
  8. I am listing most bits on Ebay. It is a shame to cut it up but can't see anyone wanting it ...
  9. I will be checking. I do need a dolly sprint jack shaft and crank sprocket if anyone can help out
  10. Well should be dandy then
  11. These are mine https://www.robsport.co.uk/online-shop/shop-tr7/product/3547-pistons-set-of-4-020 Are they the same as yours Clive?
  12. Clive has dished pistons though
  13. Yep i I have +20 tr7 pistons in at the moment and the block decked so clearance will be tight. I guess the only way I will know is by checking pistons vs valves. Thoughts on removing some material from the piston with dremel grinder in situe?
  14. Hi the ev1 injectors are the ones I have already. The ones pictures are spares used for fabrication. The ev1 injectors i have are high impedance ones with a 4 hole pattern. These can come with hose tails as I have now . The reason for this is the tr7 oem fuel rail took hose tail injectors. The cut outs you may be right with so I will check and see if I need to get rid of some material on the pistons. I am planning on an extra thick head gasket. I have a 47mm throttle body at the moment pre plenum. Anyway I need something new. I can either user two carbs as throttle bodies... problem being used carb leak air. I will likely make a plenum to attach to where the carbs are and then a throttle body on to thay with a pipe to infront of rad and a filter there. Similar to what I have now.
  15. Those who have followed here will have seen the TR7 EFI injection journey I went on. The EFI conversion isn't for everyone but I will say it transforms the engine and can say vs a standard Carb engine it kicks ar$e . So what can i do next... drop in a V8 ... nah been done before and want something different. How about a Sprint engined TR7... yep done before. How about a Sprint engine TR7 with fuel injection... not seen that before, granted its probably been done. So I have a head, I have a front cover plate. I have the header as well. What next ... the biggest problem with EFI to a Sprint head is the injectors. The TR7 8 valve head has a manifold ready made, admittedly hens teeth rare but i have one. Dolly sprints never had EFI so I had to get some machining done. I met a local chap called Ian Evans and he is a bit of a car nut too and was very interested in taking on the project, and he has made a lovely job. Anyone interested in similar let me know I can put you in touch. He gave me a PDF of the work done he scanned in the manifold its worth having a look at. TR7 16v manifold injector mods.pdf
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