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Posts posted by junkuser

  1. Not sure how the edge will look where the vinyl is folded over it Odin.
    With solid materials the edge can be rounded a bit but that is really not possible with the cored polycarbonate.

    Putting soft foam sheet, 4-5mm thick, under the vinyl makes the panels look better, in my opinion, and folding it over the edges may take the sharpness off.

    I used marine grade ply with foam under the vinyl and over the edges in the Spitfire in 1976 and there are no signs of deterioration yet.
    Have had the door cards off a few times over the years and no problems with the clips damaging the ply.

  2. After the CD molded on the top of the carburetor you may find a letter stamped in.

    At least the CDS  have an s stamped there.

    If you can't find any stamped letters post a picture of your carburetors so they can be identified.  Show the bottom and each side of one.

    Identifying by car model would assume that they are the original type fitted, which may well be not the case.

  3. Sounds like failure of the "O" rings on the jet holder.

    Could be that the wrong ones were fitted and were under tension which can cause them to snap as they fatigue or simply incorrect section and shrinkage has occurred.

    Best replace with the correct ones from a carburetor specialist as they don't coincide with the sizes in the usual kits of "O" rings which are too thin in section for this application.
    Replace the ones on the jet itself at the same time.

    It is possible to replace the one on the jet holder without upsetting the tuning by dropping the float bowl off to get at it. Access not all that good but it saves having to re-centre the jet.

  4. Not sure if you received my PM in reply to your request for help in spreading the word Lloyd so I'll paste it here in case.
    ( I accept your note on referring to saloons as sedans. I apologise.)

    [quote]hey there junkuser,

    "ive ment to pm you sooner, and thank you for your kind words, but ife"s manic at the mo."

    I was rather disappointed that no one picked up on purchasing and having them there for the future Lloyd.
    If you post in response to my post and point out that anyone not purchasing in the initial order but later wants any, may face a long wait for you to gather enough orders to interest the manufacturers in doing another run, as most of the demand is already satisfied.

    Surely this would allow you to increase the initial orders and make things better for you and impress the manufacturers that there is a demand.

    There are several saloons in daily use in  my area, so would be happy to put a flyer under there wipers if you could compose something suitable, remembering that I am in Australia and not in a major city.

    Occasionally I go to British Car days.

    If you compose a suitable flyer for use in countries outside the UK and post it on the the saloon or general chat sites, maybe other members or visitors could print it out and distribute.

    Nothing to lose and it may help.


  5. Please don't tidy anything Nick, you'll never find things again, only remember where they used to be and, more importantly, make me feel less comfortable with the state of my workshop.

    Hope the next sojourn to the coalfields runs smoothly,

    P.S. I used to do a bit of work for a bloke out of Capella. His property, "Valeria", has now been taken over for mining, from what I found on the NET.

  6. Not what I regard as a home workshop job, but then again I don't wish to underestimate anyone's skills.

    My suggestion assumed that the speedo was the correct one for the drive gear ratio, diff ratio and tyre size fitted to your car.
    Are your odometer readings coinciding with measured distances? (Some of our expressways have accurate distance markers which are handy for this)

    If so, the fact that the speed reading seems to be changing as a percentage higher than true points to the hair spring being set with too little tension.  Re-setting this is really a specialist's job.

  7. Rich, you mentioned that you have a plastic float and it appears to be set lower than you feel it should be.
    This could mean that the angle of contact with the needle is pushing the needle sideways resulting in abnormal wear or not approaching the jet correctly.
    If there is a dimple in the plastic where it contacts the needle, the situation would be aggravated.

    Not saying this is a likely cause, but you seem to have covered the more likely ones so looking for canaries rather than sparrows.    

    The needle designs vary.  The full brass ones and the soft nose ones can develop grooves where they contact the jet. This, combined with the contact angle, could cause the problem.

    The spring loaded ones can vary due to getting muck in them.  

    I sympathize with your frustrations,

  8. "I think 3800 is about 62, the tack kind of bounces a little 70 is 4k,  O and one thing my speedo reads  about 10 mph  faster than im going and after 50 the difference gets bigger what does this say"

    Sounds like the hair spring is staked in incorrect position.

  9. If the battery is fully charged Wim, the output of the alternator will attempt to just match the drain occurring at the time from whatever is drawing power.
    As long as the alternator has sufficient output to match the drain, the load on the engine will be the same no matter what size the alternator is (Ignoring efficiencies of design).
    At idle, the engine will slow in response to the load and as the alternator will be running at below its optimal output speed, the voltage will drop.

    There can also be voltage drop in the car wiring which can cause the volt meter to show low readings under different circumstances.

  10. Nick, it is appreciated that the Colortune instructions say to use it in the way you describe but all they are is a window and a spark gap, so I figure that a similar unit using a transparent material which would stand the pressures and rate of temperature change would be possible.
    As manufactures err on the side of caution, it may be that the Gunson would stand up to more than they state so I would not mind starting with the one I have (and don't use) if a suitable sensor was a possibility.

    Can't imagine offering to help someone sort their carburetors and then having to fit a boss in their exhaust for a sensor, or two in the manifold to enable the monitoring of each of two carburetors.
    Not what I had in mind.

    Just thought I'd ask as I appreciate there are much brighter persons than I in this World and such a thing  may already exist.


  11. I was thinking of a diagnostic tool that could easily be moved from engine to engine/cylinder to cylinder.

    Exhaust gas analysers would be close, but more difficult to set-up and only analyse the mixed combustion products after some time delay due to the volume of the exhaust system.
    Flame colour is instantaneous so just asked if some remote reading facility was possible.

  12. Would it be possible to make something like a Gunson Colortune with a sensor that converted colour to a signal that could be displayed/recorded as numbers or, some-such, so that the the mixture could be checked on over a variety of throttle openings and engine loadings for a passenger to make notes from, whilst taking the car on a test drive?

    Maybe another approach would be to run fibre optics from the Colortune to a display in the cab for a passenger to make notes from under the various conditions.
    Don't know how long a Gunson would stand up to this sort of treatment though.

    Just seems such an item would be helpful sorting needles.

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