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  1. After further tinkering with the accelerator cable "stop" screw thing.(don't know correct name) tick over now as it should be. However the thing that really fixed it is the 5 mile drive through Norwich to a garage to ask some more advice of a classic car mechanic. By the time I got there I had nothing unusual for him to listen to. Typical! Cheers for all advice. ;)
  2. Cheers for reply Rally spit. I am assuming (dangerous I know)  that the carb (spindle etc, being new is ok, but have gone through your list of suggestions. Return spring is strong, oil in dash pot, the pedal has never had it's own return spring which leaves the cable itself (also new) and the carb innards.  :-/
  3. The engine on our 13/60 isn't returning to low rev idle. On opening the bonnet I am able to temporarily fettle it by pushing the accelerator assembly (spindle) back by approx. 2/3 mm then it's perfect. The car has a new carb' and brand return spring ( the one that attaches to the air filter) I'm guessing that I have spent about 6 hours taking bits off and reassembling them but to no avail. Any ideas please?
  4. Not the choke. Air filter is off and I can see the choke moving freely. I'm thinking maybe the float chambers although I don't want to spend time and money refurbing the carb if I can avoid it.
  5. Sorry should have stated model etc.. !3/60 with Stromberg.
  6. High all. Another day another Herald problem. Yesterday the car engine was running at very high revs. I checked the accelerator cable but no problem there. Valve problem? There was a very strong smell of fuel and even a fuel leak from where the metal fuel line feeds into the rubber hose before the carb. It got worse and decided to call out rescue after pulling over who towed it home. Any idea as to what it could be? And how easy is it to fix? s always all suggestions most welcome. Sheppo
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