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  1. Htiek

    Chrome Strip Removal

    Thanks for your replies. With some gentle prying with a trim removal tool while using some plasticard to protect the panels, the strips on the sides of the tub came off a treat. :) Cheers, Keith
  2. Hi, I'm in the middle of stripping down my '69 Mk 2 Convertible. All the big bits are off and now I am at the trim removal stage. I'm a little nervous of bending/breaking anything. Am I correct in assuming that the chrome strips along the side of the car simply lever off the clips? Cheers, Keith
  3. Thanks for the advice. Wire coathangers appear to be an endangered species, I could only find plastic ones on my raid of the wife's wardrobe! I found an old wire pushrod left over from my aeromodelling days and after some poking about with that the floodgates opened  :) The heater valve looks to be well gummed too but I do have a replacement on the way. The metal pipe to the heater seems to be an odd-ball however. It has a tee branch below the inlet manifold and also an 'open' end that has been fitted with a rubber blanking hose (see photo). I don't like the look of it, a potential fail point I reckon. At some point it has had the manifold swapped to take twin SU's. I assume this pipe must have come from the donor vehicle. I'll try a thorough flushing and the soda crystal treatment in the next day or two. Cheers, Keith
  4. Good Afternoon Folks, I've been lurking on the forum for a while learning about Vitesse's. Having taken the plunge, unfortunately my first post is related to a problem I was trying to flush out the cooling system on my recently acquired Vitesse. The block drain tap lever was seized so I removed the whole assembly to free it off. Imagine my horror to find that it was in the 'drain' position all the time I had driven the car home!  ??) The tap was completely silted closed but even with it removed I can encourage no coolant to appear out of the block when attempting to reverse flush. I tried some radiator flushing fluid at the weekend but still no joy. I am wondering if anyone on here has encountered a similar problem and can offer any advice or suggestions on what can be done to de-silt the head and block, hopefully in-situ? Cheers, Keith
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