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Tim Hunt

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Tim Hunt last won the day on April 20

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  1. Excellent John. Can you tell us if it went to a CT member? If not, let's aim to sign them up since this car best embodies our ethos that these cars are meant to be used as long as we are able/permitted to and not cocooned as an investment. Tim
  2. It wasn't my imagination. The gaffe is now all over social media. See pic from broadcast. Tim
  3. Did anyone else notice that in the final scene from this evening's effort the Union Flag could be clearly be seen flying upside down. Oops!
  4. Did 131 miles door to door. Some stunning scenery on the convoy drive - my adopted country is really beautiful. The only problem was that the pace was often too slow to engage my 28% overdrive in top - that never happens on a C.T. event!! Tim
  5. I have just booked DFDS Dover - Calais departing 12.55 on Monday 2nd September. Return Sunday 9th departing 12.50 Cost £167. Tim
  6. All set for the off tomorrow, complete with Childline plaque. Going to RAF Harrowbeer, near Yelverton via Dartmoor. Tim
  7. A plaque is not 'required' Bruce. It is a personal choice. CT is a member club of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) and since 2021 the FBHVC has partnered with Childline as their chosen charity to benefit from funds raised through Drive It Day activities. Last year over 50K was raised for this worthy cause. I would urge anyone taking part in a DID outing with their local group to consider purchasing a plaque, 100% of the proceeds will go to Childline. Tim
  8. Can you provide the link to purchase please Wendy. Many thanks, Tim
  9. Why would you adjust brakes with wheels removed? It is much easier to judge when a brake is just binding by rotating the whole wheel and hub assembly.
  10. The New South Wales branch of the Triumph Sports Owners Association organised a highly successful weekend celebration of Triumph's hundred year anniversary at Bathurst in March last year. This included a display of 120 various Triumph models on the main street and over 100 cars taking part in a parade lap of the Mount Panorama Circuit. The Club designed and commissioned a commemorative grille badge (as pictured). This is a very nice quality chrome plated cast metal badge measuring 100mm wide by 86mm deep and 3mm in thickness with a weight of 125grams. Two bosses on the back of the badge are tapped to accept M4 set screws. These badges were sourced from the far east at a very competitive price and an initial quantity of 50 was ordered and supplied to TSOA members at cost. Buckeye Triumphs in the US also ordered 50 and I understand that they are about to order a further 100 while the TSOA NSW are ordering 50 more. The badges come with two 25mm lengths of 4mm studding and two nuts. To fit most grilles one would probably need to source two longer M4 set screws. I badgered the former TSOA President to sell me his badge and it will soon be gracing my 4A grille. If we were to piggy back an order for, say, 50 badges the price to CT members would be around £18 to £20 a badge including postage. I would like to know what interest there might be at this level so could anyone who would be keen to purchase a badge please let me know, ideally by PM on here. Tim
  11. Unfortunately of course I missed the last 10CR and haven't taken the TR to the Continent since the 2019 event. All the best, Tim
  12. Entrants from Blighty now need a UK sticker rather than the previously required GB. I just obtained mine from Decalheads on eBay for £1.65 including postage. The oval sticker measures 180mm (major axis) by 115mm (minor axis) and the characters are the required height of 80mm. Tim
  13. Help! I didn't receive automatic notification of the approx overnight locations as an entrant and cannot see it on the Forum. Where can I find this info please? Tim
  14. That's great Colin. I know Dale will be delighted to receive a contribution from you. Indeed, I believe he is somewhat short of new copy just now so why not encourage some of your CT friends to submit stories of Triumph related outings, recent acquisitions, mechanical fails or hacks etc. etc. Tim
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