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Rubce last won the day on July 6

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  1. If ppm was introduced somehow for classic cars, it would simply be another cost to factor into entering events like the RBRR. Fuel is the highest single cost. You can't take the money with you when you go, and the current UK government seems hell bent on taxing any money you do leave behind (IHT). So spend it on something you enjoy doing, otherwise they will nick it and waste it on something pointless! Bruce
  2. Or you could simply keep using the carπŸ€”πŸ˜†
  3. We are packed and ready as well. But I have to go to work at the factory in the morning first.
  4. Rubce

    Spit 1500 / FOX

    A good selection of Triumphs
  5. I have that photo of Martin and my GT6 framed and hung up on our stairwell.
  6. I fitted a Merc van header tank to our Stag about 10 years ago.πŸ‘
  7. Thanks Rutty. I've sourced a pair of black heated mark 1 TT seats and will be collecting them on Saturday
  8. Hi Rutty They look smart. How easy were they to fit? Regards Bruce
  9. Hi Dave Thanks for the offer but I am after leather seats as they are easier to clean after the dog has been in the car Regards Bruce
  10. Hi All Our Mark 2 Big Saloon currently has a pair of Vauxhall Calibra seats fitted. Having completed the C2C event this weekend I've come to the conclusion that the seats are past their best! Apart from Alfa Romeo 156 seats what other seat options have people successfully tried? Regards Bruce
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