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Baldry1500 last won the day on June 4 2021

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  1. Hi All, Given the Xmas period and bookings for meals at this time of year i'd like to guage interest/commitment so i can book a table. Please can you contact me on 07725 619168 if you intend to join us at our final visit to the Greyhound before we move venues for 2024. Thansk, James
  2. A proposal has been made that in 2024 we look to arrange some driveouts on either weekday evenings or weekends. Whilst I am happy to arrange some of these trips i think the opportunity for other local area members to do a bit of route planning and propose some good roads from their local knowledge would also be fun. Let us know what you think about when and if you'd like to arrange where we go! Looking forward to discussing on our new local area forum a local group for local and not so local people 😉
  3. As things stand GT6 gets the nod. So if you see someone at lands end trying to get in your car it'll be me in a daze 🥴
  4. Decision to be taken on which car. Spitfire 1500 with recently replaced engine, gbox and diff Or GT6 purchased last Saturday
  5. Spitfire - New 1500 engine built by James Godfrey-Dunne fast road cam, new head, stainless 421 exhaust, 123tune+ ignition. GT6 MK1 - Purchased yesterday. Collected from St. Austell
  6. until
    Northants & North Bucks Local Area group's Xmas meet. Usual location: The Narrow Boat, A5 south of Weedon. Give me a call if you want to book a seat at the table. Contact details in the Club Mag.
  7. Hi All, Can anybody advise of Timken part numbers for rear bearings for a Spitfire 1500? Thanks James
  8. Hi All, Thought I would post here to advertise the Northants/Bucks Local Group. We meet on the second Monday of each month at 7pm. We meet at The Narrow Boat just south of Weedon, on the A5 (10 minutes north of Towcester). Despite the events of the last 15 months we have managed to meet 4 times and have arranged 2 drive outs, both times managing convoys of at least 5 cars, Spitfires, Stags, and TR5s. If you are in the area Monday 14th June then it would be great to see you.
  9. I ended up going standard, now to fit it all. Happy Bank Holiday weekend
  10. Hi All, So I'm looking to update shocks (all round) and front springs. Currently running standard shocks and was considering what to replace with. Who runs what? and has anybody run switched between and can advise of differences? (beyond prices). Also I've never adjusted shocks before any tips on how to get "right"? Ta in advance James
  11. Two of my favourite, Taken on the 2019 10CR. I've had the privilege of driving this car since 1997 when I first passed my driving test, taking full custody in 2008 as my mum needed a hip replacement and could no longer get into it. Little did I know the adventures around the UK and Europe it and I would share in the years since then, and long may those adventures continue.
  12. Fantastic news Chris. Hope to see you and lots of others there. James
  13. I cleaned it last weekend. And then a bird pooed on it on Monday morning. So I guess my next task will be to clean it again! And Maybe, just Maybe I'll take it for a drive too 🙂
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