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Paul Garvey

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Everything posted by Paul Garvey

  1. Thanks for you help I'll give them a call. Hi Paudman, I did a bit of a search on line and sure they're Dolomite belts. Paul
  2. Hi, searched and searched but they're like hen's teeth to find - but there must be lots around.  Have looked at the replacement securon but look far too 'modern'.  Am only after the hardware to refurbish for my Mk2 Spitty (will get new fabric belts fitted) so... if anyone has any can you please pm? Thanks
  3. http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/car-parts-accessories/triumph/auction-483088829.htm closes in x8 hours.....
  4. Had another look - yep Nelson Autoglas.
  5. Hi Nick, there's a new one for sale on Trade Me Mk3 $250 with sundym band I think. It's appears to be a windscreen suppliers in Nelson. Hope this helps, Paul
  6. I've a 'heavy-duty' swing spring and had the same problem - did the same as swifty - screwdrive but added in lots and lots of swearing which may have also helped.
  7. Unfortunately not in my experience - In think you'll find you'll need to remove the spring.  Sorry
  8. Make sure that you tightened up all the suspension fastenings when the car is loaded, i.e the suspension was under load. Prinicipally the trunnion bolt, the radius arm bolts and the shocker bolts. To do this, I lift the car under the vertical link until it just starts to lift off the axle stands and then tighten up to the prescribed torque settings. On adjustables - is it best to set a lowest for this? Thanks
  9. Thanks - some new 'freebee's' offered from a friend in another town but usure if they'll fit - ie; type 12 or type 14. Thanks again
  10. Does anyone know the piston dimensions?  Thanks
  11. Simo - two people easy...wife at the back...it's lighter... ;)
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