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Everything posted by JohnD

  1. Many diesels use a fuel.cooler. I suspect that even brand new one would be cheaper than a bespoke one. See. https://www.google.com/search?q=diesel++fuel+cooler&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&sca_esv=40ad471a4e6b196f&sxsrf=ACQVn09YpETQIpC1nR2MqXVuL32RIUh5zQ%3A1707839126542&ei=lo7LZe7TILm2hbIP1-eSmAs&oq=diesel++fuel+cooler&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhNkaWVzZWwgIGZ1ZWwgY29vbGVyMgsQABiABBiKBRiRAjIGEAAYBxgeMgYQABgHGB4yBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIEEAAYHjIEEAAYHjIEEAAYHkjASFDIDlixO3AAeACQAQCYAc0BoAHOEqoBBjAuMTQuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCDqAC8BHCAgkQABgHGB4YsAPCAg4QABiABBiKBRiGAxiwA8ICCxAAGIAEGKIEGLADwgILEAAYiQUYogQYsAPCAgcQIxiwAhgnwgIIEAAYBRgeGA3CAgsQABiABBiKBRiGA8ICCBAAGIAEGKIEwgIIEAAYiQUYogSYAwDiAwQYASBBiAYBkAYIkgcGMC4xMi4y&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  2. You need to say what is the overdrive ratio. Or, what type of O/d you have. And what is a "25% higher ratio gearbox"? Pointing at your left foot sounds like zero.
  3. When i was planning to take my Vitesse to the US (didnt go - something called Covid got in the way!) Hagerty were the only ones I could find to offer me road insurance in the US. So maybe they could do it in reverse? John
  4. I've read before of modern copy chain tensioners breaking. I've always reused the old ones. John
  5. Either would do, for dozens of Herald tanks! Smaller ones are available, on hire.
  6. Wot?!? Is this the Scouts? or have I struck oil?
  7. That last surely is a Titan third stage in transit?
  8. Like this? Mmmmmmmeh! Maybe!
  9. Is the second pic the residue in a plastic tub? YUK! That amount of rust may have left pin holes. Fill with water and stand on newspaper overnight - any leaks? If there are, they can be patched or the holes sealed with some internal rubbery substance, but really the tank should be condemned! Before you empty it, add some washing up detergent, in fact LOTS, and try to boil it - a camp stove or similar. I know, a flame, on a petrol tank? But if filled with water, and kept filled, you're safe. Flush out, and repeat until the hot water appears clear. Another way would be steam cleaning, not what you might use to take off wall paper, but a proper jet of steam! Some industries, or transport firms may use that to clean plant and vehicles. Bikers will put some pebbles or a handful of nuts and bolts into the tank, wrap it in a blanket and pop the parcel in a concrete mixer! Same as polishing stones in a tumbler! But I fear the Herald tank is too big, unless you can think of a way to rotate it! Good luck. John
  10. runnel's post's wording suggests that they are in North America. Runnel, "The Triumph Experience" Latest Topics Table : The Triumph Experience may offer you more local advice, but after nearly sixty years that a car is a bit 'bitsa' (bitsa this, bitsa that!) is so common as to be usual. I think that in the US "Title" means the same as a UK 'V5', but, runnel, the serial numbers on body, engine and the cars VIN were never the same. That you even have a body number must mean that you have a very well preserved car! The body number was stamped on a metal strip rivetted in the front wheel well, where rain, snow and salt usually rust it away! But the Title number KC58841 is from 1969. John
  11. Shorely shome mishtake? You're not going to offer more for a clapped out engine? I could sell you one, that is NOT clapped out! John
  12. There was a well known Spitfire fitted with a Cosworth FVA engine, club racing in the Noughties.
  13. Yes, I find that a ratchet spanner tends to fall off the nut/bolt head on the return stroke, when a socket doesn't.
  14. Then, Colin, and others who visited long ago, you would be impressed by the way Les Amis have restored the circuit buildings! So may I repeat my appeal for anyone who has or intends to enjoy Le Circuit de Gueux to contribute to their struggle to continue their good work? https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fadmin.amis-du-circuit-de-gueux.fr%2Fuploads%2F2023_Bulletin_Adhésion_ACG_bdb581f80c.docx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK Thank you! John
  15. Ah, then as Rutty and Howard report to the contrary, my experience is out of date. Clearly my complaint caused them to up their game! John
  16. Howard, Some years ago, I paid the supplement to have speed camera warnings on my TomTom. They proved to be vastly out of date, like, for instance on the M6 north of Preston by FIVE YEARS! I complained and got my money back, so they must have been aware of the deficiencies. You might ask how often they update the warnings now. John
  17. Well. You wanted a guide! Mumble grumble, gift horse grumble. The OP feared that the thrust washer was worn and might have worn the block beyond repair. Scott Helms in the US makes oversized thrust washers: https://customthrustwashers.com/ John
  18. See: https://www.tssc.org.uk/tssc/uploaded_files/TSSC INS Vals April 23.pdf
  19. Hunter and I have corresponded by PM, and although we live as far apart as possible in England, we may be able to do something.
  20. If you can get one that really was owned by an old lady who only drove it to the shops and back, it's got to be a bargain, even if she did ride the clutch!
  21. Many here will have visited the Reims-Gueux Circuit in France, and the wonderfully preserved pits and grandstands: It was here that many French Grand Prix and other races were held, between 1926 and 1972, on public roads, closed for the occasion. For that reason, you may still drive the original circuit, although the long straight of the Route Nationale 31 is now a four lane motorway. Unlike other disused circuits the buildings were never demolished but fell into dilapidation, until twenty years ago was formed Les Amis du Circuit de Gueux. Les Amis du Circuit de GUEUX (amis-du-circuit-de-gueux.fr) THis is what they faced then: This club of volunteers have restored the premises in an extraordinary way, and it has become a shrine to early 20th Century road racing, drawing visitors from across Europe and the world. Les Amis continue to strive to restore it, and last year one of the grandstands, previously thought to be too dangerous to enter was made safe. But all is not well for Les Amis. The Mayor of Gueux has withdrawn permission for them to hold events there, and since Christmas, they had had bad news. They tell me: After 20 years of restoration and care given to the Circuit de Reims-Gueux site, the municipality cancelled and drafted a new agreement seeking to exclude the Volunteers of the Friends of the Circuit de Gueux to benefit from the work accomplished. So this year 2024 will be without events but also without revenue and will be devoted primarily to our legitimate defence. For this reason we need the support of our 350 loyal members. The fight is tough and unfair, but giving in would be a disaster for the preservation of the buildings on the site. So, the Mayor of Gueux will take advantage of the 20 years of hard work and restoration by Les Amis, without any outside support, and hand the Circuit buildings to the care of some outfit to exploit them for profit. Few of us are in a position here to be of direct assistance, but if you have visited Gueux and admired the restoration by Les Amis, please consider becoming a member! Please see: https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fadmin.amis-du-circuit-de-gueux.fr%2Fuploads%2F2023_Bulletin_Adhésion_ACG_bdb581f80c.docx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK and for Les Amis' main website: https://www.amis-du-circuit-de-gueux.fr/ Bonne chance, et a la prochaine! John
  22. Sorry, bearing SHELLS! And it is more usuall for the block to wear too much for repair.j
  23. Even DiY, if you need to do a lot, it can be £1K or more, but it IS premature before you dismantle it. Best case, just bearing caps etc. The worst case would be such thrust washer wear to destroy the crank of main bearing. But very oversized thrust washers were available from America. Can't recall where, but ask on "The Triumph Experience" . Good luck! John
  24. JohnD

    Type 16P vs 16PB

    See: 16P/16PB Brake Caliper Differences - Running Gear - Club Triumph Ltd
  25. On my PC there is also, on the right hand end of the space where you see the URL (the Internet link address) of the site you are on, a five pointed star. Click on that and the current page is added to your Favourites, displayed on the line below. with the excess for lack of space, behind the "Other Favourites " button.
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