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The HS6 would be approximately the same as a Stromberg 175CD; in other words, a 1.75" throat, probably too much for a stock Vitesse 6 engine (especially if it's a 1600). Similarly, the HS4 is about equal to the Stromberg 150CD, which is what most Vitesse engines used from the factory.

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I ran a Vitesse 2 litre Mk2 on HS4 carbs for years. Ran really well. I personally prefer the SU over Stomberg's. HS6 would probably be a bit OTT for the 1600 but have seen them used on the two litre with great success.



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I always consider carb choice to be based on approx power rather than ccs.  If the carbs are big you would loose torque as air velocity through them would be slower - but have the ability to flow more air at higher rpms for peaky bhp.  A 1622cc Austin Cambridge breathes through a singe HS2 (62bhp, 90lbsft).  The 1594 engine now in our Herald is breathing though a pair of HS6s but I chose them on the basis that it'd be up at 120+bhp.

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thanks everyone for your replies, out of interest like Jordan, what is the better carb to use su or stromberg?
my engine is a 1600 and i want it to run as smoothly as possible shes been round the clock at least once and is about to go round for the second time, and with no overdrive she can be a bit noisy at higher speeds and revs. i just want her to be as smooth, and fuel efficent as possible (whilst maintaing a decent speed of course!)

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Yes, because i was looking at some MGB carb's, as my carbs need rebuilding and considering the su's are quite cheap in some cases considering the prices of the rebuild kits for the strom's. similarly, Will MGB carbs fit on a vitesse manifold? or are there special adapters?

Flimseyvoat: My vitesse doesnt have overdrive either, however, having read many posts on this forum about overdrive, it seems to me like a bit of a faff! I would much rather fit a 5 speed gearbox, as this seems cheaper (salvage or scrap cars) and more reliable!

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