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NEC show report

Darren Sharp

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Hi everyone, well the ‘Big’ show is over for another year . Huge thanks to all of you who took the time out to attend and to Clive and Craig whose use of technology allowed us to record the highest number of pre booked tickets we have ever achieved . This years stand featured modified Triumphs and the cars did not disappoint and created huge interest . We had Alan Chatterton’s Del Lines Stag estate , Sean Daniels Beautiful 13/60 Herald which had all Triumph Mods , Mark Smith’s GitFire which demonstrated popular upgrades through the years . Paul Bagshaw brought along his unmolested all original Herald 12/50 which set the benchmark and we also had Tom Keys outrageous ‘Cosumph’ (Cosworth engined TR6) and the re chassied MX 5 with a Toledo body of Ben Parker . This car is quiet and docile until the 1800 twin cam is on song and features power steering and air con! .. The car only has 2 seats which is just as well as Ben is at least 6’ 5” … I struggled to reach the pedals! Thank you to all the owners and the many , many visitors . CT strives to be a little different every year and this often pays dividends with new members signing up . It was great to see Lesley and Roger being awarded the Harry Webster award from the Standard Triumph Forum for her years of dedicated service as STF Secretary. Lastly my Thanks to Our President Malcolm Warren , Chairman Tim Hunt , RBBR guru Tim Bancroft and all the shows team for another sterling job ! 









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