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DVLA To 'Q' plate ALL Triumphs? ACTION BY 4 July 2024!


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Hi All
Sorry for the 'click bait' title... I just wanted to grab your attention.. and Q plates for our cars could be a real possibility IF we do not respond in the 'correct' way.

This 'Government Consultation' WILL IMPACT ALL of us and our vehicles! (I don't want a Q plate or have the use of my cars restricted). This is NOT just about EV Conversions. It could impact OUR cars (Especially as Triumph owners tend to have more than one car and Mods are in the blood!)



3.39. Should historic and classic vehicles that have been rebuilt or restored be assigned an alternative age-related registration number instead of a Q registration number? If so, please provide evidence and reasons to support your views.

3.4. Should there be a new type of safety check in place which takes into account the age of a historic or classic vehicle? If so, please provide evidence and reasons to support your views.

3.5. Should there be a distinction made between restoration, where an existing registered vehicle with an established history is being refurbished, potentially with some new parts, and vehicles constructed as a replica not based on a registered vehicle, but constructed from a collection of old parts? If so, please provide evidence and reasons to support your views.

registration of historic vehicles, which tended to be for vehicles more than 30 years old. While some countries apply restrictions, for example limiting the use of a vehicle, the majority require vehicles to retain their original appearance, construction, or technical specifications and to have some form of safety check.

I Would encourage you to respond and to share so that as many 'real' voices are heard and the government does not base a decision on the often more vocal lobbyists and anti-car brigade!!
Please share...






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