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Everything posted by McJim

  1. Today is the 6th October 2022 and in exactly one year, the Round Britain Reliability Run will be about to set off from Knebworth House on it's nearly 2000 miles run in 48 hours. I have attached a new video of the cars before the start at Knebworth in 2021 to remind you of what it was like and maybe inspire a few more people to take part. Even the latter stages of the pandemic and a nationwide shortage of fuel didn't reduce the enthusiasm for what is dubbed the most hard core event in the classic car world. Hope you enjoy. Jim.
  2. Sorry to hear that Sam. Still, not far to Yorkshire ..... You're where?!!! Now you're on another adventure. Jim.
  3. End of January? Was at the start of December in years past. Mind you, with the entry on the website now and less paperwork and no Royal Mail involvement, it makes sense. Plus, it'll put the pressure on Jason, which is no bad thing. 😁 Jim.
  4. No, he went into car park management. Jim.
  5. We didn't stay there - we went home after the event. It's a bit galling that you go to the finish of an event and are then charged for the privilege. Waiting on the invoice from the Premier Inn, Lancaster now. Only a matter of time. Jim.
  6. Anyone else get an invoice for parking at the Premier Inn, Carlisle? We were the first to arrive and sat in the car before the first few crews arrived for five minutes, then had a chat before going into the hotel for 10 minutes to say goodbye. Apparently, that costs you £100. There's the price of friendship right there. Something similar happened when we met up with Nuala at the Novotel just before the RBRR when we were handing out electrical connectors for a stricken Spitfire in the car park there. Didn't pay that one and won't be paying this one. Straight in the bin. Jim.
  7. Had the same problem getting cover for Katy on the 2021 RBRR. No one wanted to know. However, insurance companies operate in strange ways. Turns out Adrian Flux would insure a 23 year old if she was the main driver of the Spitfire and I could be added as an additional driver. The cost was very, very reasonable too. Works for me. Jim.
  8. Wendy's video of this year's Border Raiders is now available to watch on YouTube. All Wendy's work, I just uploaded it on her behalf. Jim.
  9. Wendy, You're too modest. 😉 I'll see what I can do. Jim.
  10. If you want any help with the route on this side of the Tartan Curtain, let me know. Jim.
  11. Mike, I can see you at the start of my video in at least two clips and your car is also shown at least twice. I've spotted Jane too, so you're both well represented. My point was just that my target audience is not necessarily just CT members but more for folk interested in classic cars or Triumphs or the road events that they can aspire to take part in. I use YouTube to raise the awareness of what the Club does, the events it runs and provide a few minutes of entertainment. YouTube is a great big tool - but I've also heard that said about me too. 😉 Jim.
  12. Wendy, I've never actually done that before. I'll ask Katy. She'll know. Or you could set up your own YouTube channel. It's really quite straightforward and uploading videos is easy since YouTube walks you through a step by step process. Just choose a name for your channel and link it to a gmail account from Google. I don't want to take credit for your hard work. Jim.
  13. Just had a look on YouTube and the Border Raiders 2022 video has 101 hits in just under a week. They won't all be people who took part. So, hopefully generated some interest for next year and for other Club Triumph events. Job done. Wendy, are you putting your video on YouTube - it's very good. Jim.
  14. I don't get it. Katy and I shot about an hour and 20 minutes of footage over two days to try to make an entertaining video that lasts a little over 4 minutes. Most of the footage was rubbish (some of it due to the weather on Day 2) or useless or serves no contextual purpose in making a watchable video. The reasons we make these videos are: 1. To show how good the event was. (Which it was - thanks guys.) 2. To raise the profile of Club Triumph and it's events on YouTube. 3. To encourage Club members to take part in future events. 4. Because we enjoy making them. I try to edit clips together that correspond to the running of the event i.e. in the order they happened. Katy and I don't go out of our way to make sure that every person that took part in an event appears in the video. That's not the point of the video. People don't seem to inclined to stand still to make sure we have a shot of everyone in order to appear in a video and we're not going to chase them round a Premier Inn car park when we have our own car to get ready as well as trying to get some decent footage. These videos are a moving snapshot of an event, not a verbatum record. They're meant to be for fun, not for an axe to be ground. I was waiting for someone to come back and say that their car wasn't shown before the start, which given the spread of cars around the car park would have meant either a lot of unnecessary editing to get them all in or a long boring video of modern cars interspersed with the odd Triumph here and there. I like Wendy's video. It's a different style from ours but what does that matter. It's lighthearted and fun. In the years to come, they will both be a historical record of a time when you could go out and have fun in a car with an internal combustion engine. Few will even know who the people in the vidoes are - or even care. Jim. PS I hate Katy filming me. I don't think, in fact I know, I'm far from photogenic. But she just wants a shot of her Dad having fun with his Spitfire and a record that will last long after he's no longer driving Triumphs.
  15. Oh well, that's Katy now tested positive too. Jim.
  16. I'm not the swiftest guy in the world but is this a reference to my video or even the one on WhatsApp by Wendy Dawes? Jim.
  17. Not a clue. Covid has dulled my senses. Jim.
  18. Thanks Pete. Katy's fine but I, on the other hand. I'm blaming it on the taxi driver that took us to the meal on Saturday night - he didn't look too peaky. Wasn't that close to anyone else the whole weekend apart from Katy. I don't expect to be ill for too long but it's been a sobering time as it has made me reflect on my father dying from the effects of Covid in January 2021. Jim.
  19. Just tested positive for Covid after the Border Raiders. Didn't feel great on the Monday night and by Tuesday was really ill. Took a test and it was negative but still feeling bad, so Ruth made me take another last night and it came back positive. Haven't had Covid up till now but I guess you can't be too careful. Hope no one else on the Border Raiders is suffering likewise. The worst part of it is that Katy and I will miss Nuala's funeral but our thoughts will be with her. Jim.
  20. In my opinion, the prettiest driver in the Border Raiders. No - I'm currently in the passenger seat - I'm referring to my daughter, Katy, my partner in crime. Jim.
  21. Here's a wee taste of what went on last weekend. Jim. Could someone add this video to the Club Triumph YouTube account. Thanks.
  22. McJim

    Nuala Dowie

    Do you want a lift from Keswick to the church? Katy and I will be passing that way. Jim.
  23. Trumpesque characters have always been popular darn sarf. 😁
  24. But some are softer than others. 😉
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