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Velocita Rosso

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Everything posted by Velocita Rosso

  1. Came across this today....I wonder if this where the Nachtrit ideas came form? https://www.google.com/search?q=you+tube+film++the+hillman+minx+in+the+1960`s+sheila+van+damm&sca_esv=8f14c8c94b33adc6&sxsrf=ACQVn08dc541pLaR5K1nmHfEzgnzaGUryA%3A1714644629858&ei=lWYzZv2ANPKKhbIP48K8mAM&ved=0ahUKEwi9n9CA3e6FAxVyRUEAHWMhDzMQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=you+tube+film++the+hillman+minx+in+the+1960`s+sheila+van+damm&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiPXlvdSB0dWJlIGZpbG0gIHRoZSBoaWxsbWFuIG1pbnggaW4gdGhlIDE5NjBgcyBzaGVpbGEgdmFuIGRhbW1I8zVQ-AZYoDJwAXgAkAEAmAGRAaAB7QuqAQQxMi40uAEDyAEA-AEBmAIQoALRC8ICCxAAGIAEGLADGKIEwgIHECEYoAEYCsICBBAhGBWYAwCIBgGQBgSSBwQxMC42oAfRTA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:12b10c1d,vid:lwvbMsczU8Q,st:0
  2. Thats more like a friction creak than knock.....like the springs chafing
  3. into driving the right way up?
  4. When I was a `young un` and driving my Spitfire in the seventies (bought out of a car showroom) , I used to enjoy driving all over the place. Top down ,open necked shirt etc etc throw a block of cheese and bread in the cockpit for a snack and laugh at the driving glove user, elderly Now, especially after the Covid era, I have to pre plan every Spitfire journey ,so I can enjoy going out for trips out , especially long drives. I have to pre pack foods that I am now not allergic to and avoid buying the odd snack or meal , not having the knowledge of what they contain.Also , now having to consider.....driving gloves ......, whatever the weather. Knuckles that swell up in the cold or draughty weather is no joke. I now live in the era of people laughing at me in driving gloves.! Anyone else having to suffer the same?
  5. Heard a funny noise when setting of for Lincoln on Sunday, .....and after investigation found a badly worn wheel bearing. How it didn`t collapse after a 150 mile jaunt I don`t know. Other side to be done this week
  6. Enjoyed a run to Dairy Made show with Lincolnshire and Meeting with Hull and east Riding ,then a country run to Cleethorpes for fish and chips
  7. The furrows on Richard`s brow....."well it was there this morning"
  8. This years in house competition will not include, I hope, `Lets find the engine`
  9. The thing is, on value, that its really a debatable question. What its worth? What people are prepared to pay? What an insurable value would be? My car, a MK3 has had a total rebuild and respray and has an insurance value of £13k.....but I know if I were to advertise it for sale I would not get that amount. That TV car would probably have an insurable value of around £9k at best as 1500 `s are more readily available than MK3 and from what could be seen ,on a rusty chassis. At the end of the day its really down to what people are prepared to pay Vs what an owner would let it go for.
  10. Watch and realise....one or two mis named items.....one relating to the bonnet/ over rider hanger bracket....strut?
  11. An absolute shocking display on renovation. They cut a perfect chassis (apart from one `blemish`) to `weld` to the old rusty chassis, leaving a weld seam thickness that would have been out of place on old trawler. They could have just done a body lift and refit. They heat treated the looped bonnet brackets to create better bonnet gaps ,when the adjuster bolts in the bonnet mount would have done the job, lateral and vertical. They kept using the wrong terminology for various bits ...and the only good thing was the respray(that they short changed on by not showing the prep work from doors rearwards) .......and they still didnt stick the bonnet logos on. ......and "Triumph Owners Club"?
  12. No. We havn`t ha one prior....TSSC always arranged a site/run
  13. No ....he said ....anyone got any ice for my Gin? And again no...not worried about anything, on LEZ or anything else......when you drive a Triumph ....you can expect anything!
  14. For my own peace of mind, I contacted the Certificat.air.gouvr.france, direct and this is the response I received contact@certificat-air.gouv.fr Good morning, Your vehicle is old: it falls under the less strict anti-pollution standards which result in more polluting technologies. It is not eligible for a certificate. Cordialement, Le service de délivrance des certificats qualité de l'air. www.Certificat-air.gouv.fr
  15. TR6-1972-CP 150bhp, Original UK car, many new parts, including clutch, fuel tank& pump, and blue mohair hood. Excellent bodywork, £20,000 o.n.o, Tel. 01425 272044/07305 355826 Peter, Christchurch.p
  16. Oh look.....only another 21 weeks to the 10CR....
  17. So you are still in Australia Tim?
  18. The Sixties .....Meaning.....that every vehicle on the road would be entitled to have a drive it day plate
  19. Just think...if Drive it day was around in the sixties.....
  20. Red convertible Triumph Herald 1969. All mot and service in order. Asking £6,000. Please contact Mrs White. Tel 01628 667673.
  21. This was provided by and thanks to Rosbif
  22. Rouen centre is....however we are in the B and B hotel....near the centre but St Etienne Rouvray isnt included ...there is a posting previous showing the boundary Seeing as you need navigator practice I will link
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