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  1. Put decent dampers on all round and you probably don’t even need an ARB for it to handle well. I have these on the front of my Mk1; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SHACKTUNE-KONI-FRONT-DAMPER-INSERTS-TRIUMPH-2000-2-5PI-MK1-MK2-STAG-/143382980500?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  2. Interested to see how you get in with the Speeduino setup.
  3. Always interested in EFI conversions!
  4. Great stuff, Steve. I bought the CD originally — I always wondered how to get the contents off. CD now long gone, don’t think I’ve had the means to even read one for the last ten years.
  5. Hi Howard, Why are PDFs unsuitable? I'd hope the above link explained it. Some more reasons are here; https://gds.blog.gov.uk/2018/07/16/why-gov-uk-content-should-be-published-in-html-and-not-pdf/ Again, I caveat that not all of this applies, but gives some good reasons. I didn't say they couldn't also be PDFs — but primarily they should really be in normal webpages for people to be able to access them how they want. I would prioritise people being able to access them in the now over things being archived in the future. There are things like https://archive.org/web/ that do a great job of this automatically — and in truth if you really want to you can always "File > Save as PDF" if you want. (Unsurprisingly I do this for my job, and I have to worry about it there — and have seen the issues it can cause directly, as well as the benefits of doing-things-right) James
  6. I mean accessibility — for example: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/accessibility-requirements-for-public-sector-websites-and-apps Obviously this is not a public sector website, but I think we should all try harder to cater for those with issues in accessing content.
  7. It would be great if these could be posted as actual content on the site rather than PDFs. PDFs are really awful for accessibility - plus as content they can be searched and archived a lot better.
  8. Hi Steve, Never my intention to criticise you. Only that these things are historical documents and I feel sharing and being open with them is for the better. Or else eventually we lose them and everyone loses. (it wasn't your name on them after all) As someone who has provided various reasonably heavily used Triumph related utilities on my website for the past eighteen years I sympathise with providing stuff for free. Each one of those has had a few rewrites as the tech they're based on has gone out of date and taken considerable time and effort. More fool the people who don't search hard enough and end up paying for stuff. James
  9. These are great. Though the watermark is intensely irritating. I wish people would sign up to the spirit of free and open stuff. (the slides are clearly out of copyright by now?!)
  10. This makes so much more sense. Great job!
  11. It doesn’t make any sense that LEDs would be hotter than halogens. They use less watts and are more efficient. The heatsinks on them are to spread out the heat rather than “cool” as they are far more sensitive to heat.
  12. I've never had an issue with it except when it didn't come with the right cap. It's such a simple device assuming you get all the connections tight and don't use full tyre pressure. Was happy to have it when bleeding the Lockheed brakes on my 2000 the other week. I get people might not like it because it's a bit more faffy to clean out and setup etc though.
  13. I really like my Britool extra long spanners and cordless Makita 1/2" impact gun. Plus probably the much maligned Eezibleed.
  14. Yep — https://sites.google.com/a/mintylamb.co.uk/triumph2000efi/
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