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Stag rear brakes - an idiot's guide please!


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OK So a couple of issues raised their head last weekend and I didn't have much time to investigate but with 3 days out of the country before the Isle of Wight next weekend it's all getting a bit close!

One of the issues was binding rear brakes. Here's a little history. The car's got a Stag rear end and when it was built (5 years ago approx) it was all new cylinders, shoes, hydraulics and good drums. Occasionally I've had difficulty pushing the car back and forth on the drive so I suspected a sticking cylinder (I've got some new ones and new new shoes). When I took the car for an MOT the tester commented on the left rear handbrake efficiency being "marginal" - well actually he said it was crap but I got a ticket so I was happy to fix it in my own time.

I have now dismantled the rear brakes and note that it's a bit of a puzzle how all the springs and things go together - the cylinders still look new and apart from a lot of dust around everything looks good and free moving. However, both sides are not assembled the same and as far as I can see the left side's springs are fouling the self adjusters and the appear to be impeded as a result.

All the fixings looks good and the cylinders work as they should but don't return evenly when assembled. When I disassemble and squeeze them in by hand there's no resistance and no hint of stickiness. I'm thinking that perhaps they have just been assembles wrongly, maybe with the lower spring the wrong way round so it fouls up the self adjuster.

Anyway, long story short, does anyone have a clear diagram of how Stag brakes should go back together? I have no reference point and I've never worked on this set-up before so I'm looking for any help I can get!


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Found another "issue" that I think was causative - hold downs were mismatched and I think were one 2000 and one Stag. The stag shoes are much wider and so the short hold down was effectively stopping one shoe from moving! Bodged it up with a long bolt for now until I can get a new set. Got distracted with a little experimental BBQ - pizza on the BBQ. Worked well, yum. Have turned the grill over to the youngest who days she has a pudding dish to do, can't wait (so I can get back to my car!)

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Are you fixed, Jason?

Just looking at my workshop manual.

Looking at a left hand rear wheel, the top spring should be behind the shoes, long hook toward the front of the car.

Adjuster mechanism is on the front shoe (don't think this can be mistaken?). Short spring is shown under the handbrake lever (hook  pointing up) with long hook to the rear shoe.

Clear as mud?

Is the ratchet the right way round? Probably doesn't work at all if it's backwards.


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Cheers mate, I found a PDF Stag manual and got a picture from that. It's fair to say that although mine all looked OK it wasn't. I've figured out the springs and got them all right, again the adjusters are now as original and the springs the right way round. I've bodged the hold down and ordered some proper ones off fleabay, hopefully they'll arrive by Thursday so I can fit them for Friday's trip to the Isle of Wight.

I think I've cured the weeping petrol filter with a newly sealed joint - here's wishing!

At least now I can move on to getting the beast running better. That seems to be some sort of ignition misfire that I can't trace so tomorrow is going to be spent swapping components and hoping for a result!

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Good Luck, Jason

Enjoy the Isle of Wight. During my last visit you and I and one other were tied in the final question of the quiz...

The tiebreaker...Do you recall how many bottles of champagne in a magnum? I think you may have been slightly drunk at the time. I know I was. Some B'stard kept tilting the room.


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I think it must have been.

Do you remember my little boy broke his arm falling off a slide at the campsite? Was a little miffed at the owners' attitude (she was more interested in signing her accident book than telling us where the hospital was!) but after it'd been set, we went to the tank museum and had a great day. He was OK (kids!) and it's the sort of thing that we look back on and laugh.

I must go again  - life seems too busy at the moment. Perhaps next year!

Cheers, Steve

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Ahhh yes I remember, how's he doing? Small children bounce quite well don't they  :P Looking back through my photos it was as I suspected, 2006. The camp site's a funny place but as long as the beer's on and the sun's shining it's fine.

I've had a set of mixed results so far, brakes are great, misfire is still there having replaced all the ignition system and now converted to electronic ignition - I'm baffled!

The dizzy is in the wrong position and I need to pull the drive gear and move it round a cog or two - trouble is I'm out of time so I thin I'm going to just leave it as it and worry about it afterwards. Timing is near enough!

I think the next job is to improve the electrical connection to the PI pump with a relay and some fresh wire - now where the hell did I put those relays?!?!?

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Oh, he's recovered from his flight, and no more mishaps since. We do giggle at the pics from that weekend.

Have you watched your engine running in the dark? Sometimes you can spot a spark arcing where it shouldn't be. Maybe a few miles on a good run might help.

Your relays are in the last place you had them BTW.


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