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ravin79@live.co.uk  is the contact address

hi im trying to put a mayflower back on road but have hit a snag i have no brakes the contents of the hubs have been removed. could you tell me what other triumph bits fit or where i can get mayflower shoes? do you have any tips on how to convert front hubs to disk?

regards dave


I presume that you are a member of the Triumph Mayflower Club because I am sure that they should be able to point you in the right direction. Their website is easy to access. They usually join with us, The Triumph Rodster Club, at our annual rally. It is surprising that hardly any people interested in Triumph Roadsters, other than club members come to the annual TRC rally. In fact, it seems that there is an almost deliberate effort NOT to publicise the event which, by the way, is on SUNDAY, JUNE 5th this year.  


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